Hello again,
Well, here's an update:
- Visited sheilds up - not good
- Installed zone alarm - brilliant
- Visited sheilds up again - everything seems hunky spunky now
- Uninstalled panicware and google pop up stoppers
- Installed free surfer mk II pop up stopper - pop ups seem to have stopped
- Ran Spybot, Hijackthis, Adaware, Cwshredder
- Installed Empty Temp
- Installed Mail Washer
- Installed Mozilla browser and the IE viewer plugin - great
Everything is great except:
- Tried to install AVG anti virus software but i did not receive a serial number via email??
- Rebooted PC but still getting 'Found Hardware Wizard' for Media Audio Controller and two internet connection windows (which keep popping up after I close them - a few minutes later) Zone Alarm asks me now if I want to let 'werule' access the internet - I clicked 'No'(ZA also asks if I want 'sear1 MFC Application' acces the internet - again I clicked 'No')
Thanks for all your help - any ideas on these last few irritations?