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Author Topic: How do spammers work?  (Read 862 times)

Offline Clive

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How do spammers work?
« on: April 19, 2004, 13:08 »

It seems that everyone hates spam. There are many sites on the net that discuss their frustrations with spam. There are many programs that are designed for the home/corporate user to block spam. There are even national government efforts to try to stop spam - or at least provide a backbone on which companies can act to have legal leverage in lawsuits against spammers.

So with all of this against them, why do spammers still start up everyday and presumably even succeed? The obvious and easy answer to that one is nothing more than "money". So perhaps the better question that needs to be asked is how are they doing it?

If we reason through the "how", perhaps it will outline the areas which are still open and could perhaps be blocked to prevent new spammers (although I would raise the argument that now that they are out there, the only way to get rid of them is to eliminate the monetary factor, or so greatly reduce it that it is no longer cost effective).

Full story - unsuitable for Sun readers


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