With my three hours max per day on the internet (last month I used just 86 hours of my 200 hours a month allowance with Fast24 - my ISP) I quite simply could not justify the expense of broadband, even though it has been available in Chorley from the begining.
Hooky, although I cannot comment on home broadband, as I have never actually seen it in action, I would be reluctant to get too excited. My 56K dial-up account at home is far faster, more reliable, and smoother, than the "High Speed Internet Access" at work (a sixth form college) or in my local library or in my local "UK-Online" drop in centre. In fact, although the library is less than five minutes walk from my front door, I stopped going there to use broadband quite a while ago, as I got fed up of sitting waiting for pages to appear!
Ironic, really.