Well, I've always thought that a Firewall and Anti Virus measures should be an integral part of Windows. Uncle Bill has made half an effort with XP Firewall, so I wonder if Anti Virus software might be included with future versions of Windows?
He wanted too, but he was stopped by the damn idiots!!!
Once again its a case of if the boy God tries to add things to the OS or browser like a firewall and AV software people get all bitchy about fair trade.
There was talk some years back about a version of IE with full protection in all areas but again he was blocked.
You will never get what you want whilst so called consumer groups block the people that can do this for us.
Shoot Sun, and Unix users..then blow holes in AOL MD's to et what ya want...thats what i say.
Of course before you do let me uninstall my sun java console, take off netscape and reinstate IE and make sure i dont run Linux on the spare PC