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Author Topic: Nero vision express 2  (Read 1634 times)

Offline daveeb

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Nero vision express 2
« on: May 09, 2004, 15:18 »
Has anybody used this program ?  I've got .vob files on my hard drive copied from discs burned on a standalone recorder. I'm trying to burn a compilation disc of .vob files from different dvd's. i've managed to burn a disk that plays (eventually)on my standalone dvd player but the problem is that even though the tracks are about 4 minutes long nv express2 only reports them as being between half a minute down to 10 seconds in length. ie the final product only plays for a fraction of the full track. any ideas...i've lots of coasters if anyones short  :P

Offline Sandra

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2004, 16:07 »
Did you just burn the VOB files and not the relevant .IFO files as well Dave  ???
I have just read about someone having a similar problem who was only burning the VOB files :doggie:

Offline Sandra

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #2 on: May 09, 2004, 16:17 »
Sounds like you can do what you want using the ordinary Nero Burning Rom as well Dave, according to this article :


Offline daveeb

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #3 on: May 09, 2004, 16:25 »
Funnily i'd read that article an hour ago.  The problem is nero burning rom doesn't create the file structure, it just burns the vobs ie the disc won't play on a standalone. I could try and burn the ifo and bup files but there;s still the video_ts files which refer to the structure of a specific dvd, and i want to mix and match.  NVE2 seems to have the answer as it creates a new file structure, however there's this problem with it only "seeing" a small percentage of each vob file.  so near yet so far  :-[

Offline Sandra

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #4 on: May 09, 2004, 17:29 »
The way I read it Dave, is that you put the VOB and IFO and maybe the BUP files in the TS folder itself for the compilation that you are making.
The audio one isnt necessary as the audio is part of the VOB apparently, but the folder is created as part of the "Make DVD" bit.
I thought that the Nero Vison prog was for creating the VOB, IFO and BUP files from a DVD to "Re-Author" it, so that it would fit on a 4.7 gig DVD by editing the extras that are on a standard bought or rented DVD  ???

Offline daveeb

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2004, 10:47 »
Sandra are you saying that you can just copy eg vob1, 2 & 3 along with ifo & bup 1, 2 & 3 . There are also the video_ts vob, ifo & bup files which relate to the structure of the original dvd, these are where i have a problem.  if the nero burning prog will recreate them then i should be ok.

on another note i noticed that nve2 seemed to be re-encoding the vob files which seems odd as they are mpeg2 already i think.

finally i think my lovely new xp enabled HD is on the way out, so writing dvd's is probably the least of my problems  :P

Offline Sandra

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2004, 12:58 »
As far as I know Dave you will have a TS folder on your hard drive or DVD that has the original VOB, BUP and IFO files in it which relate to that particular dvd.
You said previously that you wanted to create a compilation from various dvds you had made.
So if you open Nero Burning Rom and go to Create a DVD it will bring up the new compilation window on the left, it will have an Audio folder and a TS folder.
From what I have read, if you drag the selected VOB, BUP and IFO files from the original TS folder for each track that you want to add to your new compilation into the new compilation TS folder then that shuld do it.
I havent tried it myself but have read a lot about it from different sites and thats my understanding of it.
It also appears that the earlier versions of Nero Vision Express 2 do indeed re-encode the VOB files which slow the whole process down and I have heard can cause audio/video synchronisation problems.
I would use Vision Express 2 only if you needed to encode a dvd and not for doing what you are wanting to do  :)

Offline daveeb

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2004, 13:51 »
Many thanks Sandra, that seems the way to go, re-encoding all the files in nve2 is definitely not the way to go as you say, i noticed a big deterioration in quality from the original vobs.

 ;) :)

Offline daveeb

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #8 on: May 12, 2004, 20:59 »
I hate being beaten but nero refuses to burn my vob,ifo and bup files because i renamed them to reflect the music tracks they represent.  i left the extension on but that apparently isnt enough. i have to rename them as there will be hundreds of tracks so i have to know what each one is and after i have tracks from more than 1 dvd on the hd i will have duplicate file names.  i've tried incorporating the track name in with the file name
_e.g. VTS_1_0.bup xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      VTS_1_0.ifo xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
      VTS_1_1.vob xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

where x is track name.  nero tells me its no good

  anyone..... :P :o :-X :-\

Offline Dack

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #9 on: May 12, 2004, 22:14 »
You MUST author a disc for it to work (no if's, no buts).

You seem to be trying to write to a strictly formatted DVD-Video disc (naming and layout) using standard CD burning mode1 techniques. You cannot just name the files.

To prove this just download DVD lab from http://www.mediachance.com/dvdlab/

(Its a free 30 day trial)

You can then extract the files from the VOBs on your disc (splitting them into elemental streams - the mpeg and the audio). You then create a simple menu very quickly and create a DVD-Video compatible disc image on your hard drive.

You can then test the disc from your hard drive using something like powerDVD before using Nero to burn it.

hey promised the earth! Then delivered mud.
Technically it did meet the spec.

Offline daveeb

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Re:Nero vision express 2
« Reply #10 on: May 13, 2004, 10:43 »
Thanks for reply Dack.  At the risk of if-ing or but-ing  ;) are you saying that even if i leave the vob,ifo,bup files  with their original names i cant just drag them into the VIDEO_TS folder of the nero DVD burning prog and burn a compliant dvd. Nero seems happy to burn them as long as i dont tinker with the file name. i'd do yet another test burn but i'm running out of discs (and i haven't invested in any -RW  :P)

Also does authoring involve any re-encoding, this is something i want to avoid at all costs if possible.

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