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Author Topic: Understanding pc's and how they work?  (Read 7774 times)

Offline cerebus

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Understanding pc's and how they work?
« on: May 23, 2004, 17:51 »
hey it's me again cerebus. As you may know i am planing on building a pc (and if you don't you do now) but i have a big problem a big problem indeed.
As i said i want to build a pc but i don't know much about them. The thing like technical terms and language e.g HTML and JAVA Script. And the things with modems and CPU's. Colud you help please i know i'm asking alot... :-\

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Offline Sandra

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2004, 21:04 »
HTML and JAVA are nothing to do with building a pc initially they are part of how you operate it once its up and running and it doesnt really matter if you never understand those terms, unless you are going to be a programmer  ;)
CPU is the Central Processing Unit, the main chip that is the heart of your pc and determines how fast it runs.
Modems are the devices with which the pc connects to the internet via the phone line.
They can be internal PCI ones (a card that fits in the white slots on the motherboard inside your pc) or external, connecting in different ways, Serial, USB or Ethernet  :)

Offline cerebus

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2004, 16:25 »
hey thanks sandra. So your saying if i get a more powerful CPU,good memory and a good processsor then my pc will run faster? Also if i get a PCI internal card will it fit into any motherboard? (maybey not the old ones)

I think i got a lot to learn. ::)
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Offline Sandra

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2004, 19:23 »
You need to get the cpu, ram and mobo that are compatable with each other, PCI cards are universal and will fit in virtually any motherboard you are likely to get  :)
A good starting point is to decide how much you want to spend in total for your pc then look around at the various parts and how much they are, bearing in mind that it may be better to get a good mobo with a slower than the maximum cpu that it will take now so that you can cheaply and easily upgrade it to a faster one in another year or eithteen months when the prices of the faster cpus will probably have fallen  :)

Offline greenking

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2004, 23:20 »
Bat gave these links in the very early days of Pals  ;)yhey could be exactly what you are looking for  :)

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Offline cerebus

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2004, 19:22 »
sure thanks all ;)
i'm probably goin' to get an AMD Athlon mobo (i assume that stands for mother board) and an AMD Athlon processor too. depending on how much the cost is depends on how fast the CPU speed is an weather i buy it or not.  :-\.
Another question i have (i think i know the answer and it may be stupid but here goes) if i want windos XP do i need a XP mobo or do i just need the XP software to install it on to my pc.

As i said before thanks, again.  :)

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Offline Dack

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2004, 20:26 »
Haden't noticed the significance before :)

For processors - XP is just the designation AMD gave to it's range. IIRC it stands for eXtreme Performance or some such marketing buzz phrase.

For software - Windows XP - the XP stands for eXPerience.

In other words you can run whatever operating system written for a '86 architecture you want on an Athlon processor e.g. Windows XP, Windows 95, 908,98SE, ME, Linux, BeOs etc.

In a similar vein you can run Windows XP on any machine based around the '86 chip. This can be an Athlon, Duron, Celeron, Pentium (1,2,3,4), Cyrix etc.

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Offline cerebus

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2004, 18:22 »
you may think i'm realy stupid for asking but ermm... whats an '86 chip??? ???
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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2004, 20:44 »
Good question, Cerebus!   ;)
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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2004, 19:10 »
All the latest processors are based on the original Intel 8086 chip released way back when Noah was a boy and Simon was in his 20s ;D ;D

As Dack says:-
This can be an Athlon, Duron, Celeron, Pentium (1,2,3,4), Cyrix etc.

Offline cerebus

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #10 on: May 30, 2004, 11:24 »
So if buy a AMD Athlon processor it will be based on the 8086 chip no matter what?
And also let me ask which processor(s) do yuo guys think is best and most reliable?

(no offence but i want to get this pc built asap but i wanted to ask the pro's which which components are best so i can put it together as i buy (so i don't buy i part fix it in then buy another part in a few months as my pc would be o.o.d by then anyways) Hope i'm not asking too mutch. :)

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Offline Dack

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2004, 12:13 »
A bit of background first:

The 8086 chip gave a set of instructions - like a dictionary in simple terms - of instructions that the processor would understand. This meant that if the number "90" appeared then it would know to do a "NOP -  a 'no instruction' or to wait for one processor clock cycle". This is different from the 68k series of processors used by Apple in that "4e71" was used for a "NOP" instead.

As time progressed there turned out to be a need for extra instruction/words in the dictionary that the chip could understand. These were designed for graphics and sound operations and were called MMX (MultiMedia eXtensions). AMD had their own version that was called 3dNow.

A further addition came with the SSE set (Streaming SIMD Extensions) which were designed for manipulating large amounts of data passing through the processor (e.g. from a video file).

Then came SSE2 which added a few more commands - mostly to do with manipulating bigger numbers.

Each PC based processor these days contains a set of these dictionaries/instructions but the important thing is THEY ALL HAVE THE 8086 SET.

This means software is written using the basic 8086 instructions but can then check to see what processor is included in the computer and chose different/more efficient bits of code depending on which is installed.

The best way of thinking about it is looking at the index in a computer instruction manual. The first page (the index) will be written in one language and it can tell you where to find the correct information in any number of other languages - e.g. Swedish is on page 7, Greek on page 23, English on 54 etc. You can then jump to the correct page and carry on. The information in each section is the same - it's just whichever dictionary the user is familiar with as to which one they use. Windows XP does a similar thing in that it runs the most efficient code for whatever processor you have fitted as it knows they all understand the basic 8086 instructions and can then run the appropriate.


I've got a 3.0G Pentium 4 machine and also a XP2500 Athlon machine here. Both are of a similar standard and both give similar performance. The Pentium 4 processor cost about £150 while the Athlon cost £60. I then overclocked the Athlon to give the equivalent performance to an XP3200 (by changing two settings in the Bios). Personally I like the Athlon processors and most machines I've built for people have had them in as they give the best performance for the money.

BTW1 the latest athlons are the 64 series and these require a different motherboard from the normal Athlons. These are 64bit processors whereas the Athlon XP and Pentium 4's are 32bit processors. You really need a different version of Windows XP for these processors as the normal versions don't have the correct dictionary/instruction set for 64 bit.

BTW2 you are always going to be out of date with whichever board/processor you buy - get used to it :)
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Offline cerebus

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2004, 19:34 »
If i got a Athlon 64bit processor i would need an Athon mother board that supports its "dictionary/instructions". and how would i know witch version of XP i would need?
And what would i need to do if i wanted to get an Athlon XP3200 like you?
I still have a lot to learn an if any one can simplyfie all what dack said then i would be very pleased indeed (i don't cope well with complicated things they make my brain run round in circles :aarrgh: :brick:
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Offline Sandra

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2004, 20:38 »
The standard AMD motherboards out now are for the standard 32 bit XP, which will take up to the XP3200 CPUs which are currently the top of the range as far as I know, I didnt check yesterday there may well be a faster one out today or tomorrow  ;)

Offline cerebus

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Re:Understanding pc's and how they work?
« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2004, 18:21 »
So a standard AMD motherboard will take a XP3200 CPU?  8) Phew nearly lost it there! Lol.
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