I'm having a problem with my internet connection.When I try to connect to my provider.
The screen gives me a msg trying to connect with another system . I looked on my network folder. And I found on the icon where it has the computer connecting to the telephone a blue circle with a white check mark. I ask for status it reads disconnecting.

Can someone help I'm desperate. I did a anti-virus check but came up with nothing
I did like you said last night. I do have adware on my computer it picked up 13 files.None had any thing to do with the rouge dialer. I willl give you some info that might help. I can't do any type of connection to the internet at all. I have a compaq millienium edition. It still has the the blue circle with check mark on.When I turn the computer on it wants to automaticaly connect to the internet. Then when it can't get through. I get a message saying another program is dialing the selected connection. I don't see any strange icons in my connection folder unless it is hidden

Under the control panel I have an icon called telephony. Then I go to the telephony driver and have a section NDISWAN TAPI SERVICE PROVIDER when try to hit the configure button .Say driver donot support this. It gives me the option to remove it but it won't. When I go to systems properties under te ports(com & LPT)
-communications port (Com 1)
-ECP Printer port [lpt 1]
-Wind Libero Mobile USB Data Cable (Com 2)
I dont see port 3. Or maybe because it is an internal modem?. Like I said I can't even get out on the iinternet to look at other programs that might can help me out. I'm using an office computer right know but I'm restricted on down loading. I need help again asap. Doing on line courses for college. Thanks agains for helpful info the first time.