This came out of my forum and it reminded me of yalls trouble with your NTL services.
Well then I thik I have just the deal for you
Let me just remind you. Thats a FREE X-Box, FREE MM3 Game and 2 months of X-Box live for FREE as well as a 750k/1.5mb connection
I think this is one of the best deals I have seen a company do. This however makes me wonder what the catch is......
I have NTL through a cable modem and it's top notch. They increased the price once since I have had it (for a year or so) and after they did that, oh look, I now have a 1.5mb connection instead of 1mb :p
Theres 2 reasons for posting this. The first is to tell my fellow UK members about the offer as it has been advertised about as well as a public murder of a footless child. Secondly is to see if anyobody else has seen as good an offer in their country to get broadband.
I'm sure some companies have offered some outrageous claims for the old signature on the 12 month contract.