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Author Topic: Installshield  (Read 3871 times)

Offline Sandra

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« Reply #15 on: August 25, 2004, 19:39 »
I have sent you a copy of the file to your hotmail addy.
Just unzip it and copy and paste it into the C:\windows\system 32 folder  :)

Offline nilsatis

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« Reply #16 on: August 25, 2004, 20:20 »
Sandra,its still not working, could you please send the other two files?

Offline nilsatis

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« Reply #17 on: August 25, 2004, 22:17 »
Sorry Sandra, I cannot unzip the file, I am totally frustrated now.

Offline Simon

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« Reply #18 on: August 25, 2004, 22:40 »
Andy, I've sent you another one.  Try unzipping it to your desktop first, then copy and paste it into C:\Windows\System32.

Best of luck!
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Offline Sandra

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« Reply #19 on: August 25, 2004, 22:40 »
Do you mean that it wont unzip or that you dont know how to unzip zipped files  ???

Offline Sandra

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« Reply #20 on: August 25, 2004, 23:02 »
For some reason my Stdole32.tlb and Stdole2.tlb are in sytem 32 but my Stdole.tlb is in system only.
I have found all 3 in a hidden folder in C:\WINDOWS\system32 so I think they need to go in C:\WINDOWS\system32\dllcache
You will need to go to tools/folder options/view and tick show hidden files and folders.
Alternatively to make sure that they go to the place it said on the site that Simon found you could unzip them to a floppy and substitute the letter a for the d in CD /d C:\ in the instructions I posted earlier  :)

I will zip all 3 files together and send them again in case you still need the other 2  :)

Offline Sandra

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« Reply #21 on: August 26, 2004, 01:14 »
Possibly with that folder being a hidden one in C:\windows\system32
Your search for them earlier may not have showed them.
Search again but when you open the search window, click on More Advanced Options below the Look In part.
Then make sure that Search System Folders and Search Hidden Files and Folders and Search Subfolders are all ticked, if they arent already ticked you may already have the files but they wouldnt show in your previous search  :)

Offline joudi

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« Reply #22 on: August 26, 2004, 02:05 »

Seems to me that I have those three files, not in "System 32" folder, but they are in the folder:

" Windows =>  I386 ".    And they are not hidden files, neither their folder is hidden.

On the other hand:  I tried (by curiousity) to follow the steps which are mentioned in Simons link, by putting the "Windows" CD in the drive. It didn't work with me. It told that it's a wrong command.

Did you or Simon try it?   Did it work with you?

Maybe I did a mistake somewhere !!!

So, I think that the best way is that he gets those three files from you (as you did), and past them in the folder "I386".  Hope it works with him after that.
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Offline Sandra

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« Reply #23 on: August 26, 2004, 02:52 »
That sounds like the place they should be Joudi according to the path in the dos command that Simon found.
The strange thing is that my I386 folder is in C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386 and I dont have those files in there  ???
In this case I think that the safest way is to put them on a floppy and follow the previous instructions so that it goes into the correct place from Simons post, unless someone has the definative answer  ???

Offline Sandra

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« Reply #24 on: August 26, 2004, 03:25 »

On the other hand:  I tried (by curiousity) to follow the steps which are mentioned in Simons link, by putting the "Windows" CD in the drive. It didn't work with me. It told that it's a wrong command.

Did you or Simon try it?   Did it work with you?

Maybe I did a mistake somewhere !!!

I havent tried it myself yet Joudi and its a little late now but did you change the d of CD /d C:\ to the drive letter of your cd drive ?
If you didnt then that would give you a bad command as it would be looking for the file on your D drive or partition and not on the CD.
Remember also that in dos that it has to be typed in exactly as the example shows with all the spaces and punctation correct  :)

Offline joudi

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« Reply #25 on: August 26, 2004, 04:13 »

did you change the d of CD /d C:\ to the drive letter of your cd drive ?
If you didnt then that would give you a bad command as it would be looking for the file on your D drive or partition and not on the CD.
Remember also that in dos that it has to be typed in exactly as the example shows with all the spaces and punctation correct  :)

Yes Sandra, I changed the letter "D" to the letter of my drive. And I was trying my best to type them exactly as they are in the sites' link. The thing which I'm not sure is, if there must be spaces in between. I tried that supposition too. Nothing worked with me.

Let me say again:  Maybe I missed doing something correctly.   :-\
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Offline Simon

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« Reply #26 on: August 26, 2004, 09:11 »
No, I didn't try the thing I linked to, but I assumed it was correct, as I also found another link on Google, which had similar instructions.  I posted the one which looked simplest to understand.

On my Windows XP CD, the files are in i386, but on my computer, they are definitely in System32.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought the i386 folder was from where the files got installed from, but not necessarily when they subsequently run from.
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Offline Sandra

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« Reply #27 on: August 26, 2004, 14:31 »
I misinterpreted the dos command, I assumed the d was the cd drive letter, I now think that that command means Change Directory to the root directory of C: :(

So the initial line is  CD /d C:\   then hit the enter button.
This will then change to a new line starting with C:\>

Then type the following line substituting your CD drives letter for CD-Rom Drive, in my case I am usin E.
Expand <CD-ROM Drive:>\I386\stdole32.tl_ %SystemRoot%\System32

There still appears to be a problem though as I think the < and > shouldnt be included so I typed :

Expand E:\I386\stdole32.tl_ %SystemRoot%\System32

This gave me an error message saying that no destination was named  ???

I then tried :

Expand <E:>\I386\stdole32.tl_ %SystemRoot%\System32, which I am sure isnt correct but it did start the expand part of dos then gave me the error message of "access denied"

So I am afraid I am out of my depth on this one as DOS isnt my forte, (dos was before my time) so we need an old Dosser to lend a hand I think  :(

Offline joudi

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« Reply #28 on: August 27, 2004, 06:11 »

my I386 folder is in C:\WINDOWS\Driver Cache\i386 and I dont have those files in there  ???

Although seems that the solution is not going to come from this point, I just wanted to add (for a general knoledge) that I found in the folder "Driver Cache" another folder called i386 (like you Sandra). But those three files are not in it neither. They, all three, are in the first one which I've mentioned before:  Windows => i386.

Now, as a suggestion to nilsatis:

If you  don't get the satisfying solution for your problem in certain time, you may find it practical to partition your hard drive into more than one partition, to enable you to transfer and save your important files into another partition than "C". And then you'll be able , at  anytime to reinstall windows on "C" without having to be worried for your important files.
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Offline nilsatis

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« Reply #29 on: August 27, 2004, 14:33 »
Sandra and everyone else, I unzipped the original one and it is now working perfectly, thanks all.


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