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Author Topic: E mail probs  (Read 1996 times)

Offline TR

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Re:E mail probs
« Reply #15 on: September 13, 2004, 16:24 »
Forgot to mention this..

Hoepfully it will help someone with a netgear router.


This sounds like it may be an MTU issue.  Log in to the router configuration interface, and go to the WAN Setup menu.  Change your MTU size to 1350, and then click Apply.  This should solve the problems you're seeing.

If this doesn't resolve your issue, or if you do have any further questions or issues regarding your Netgear hardware, please reply using the system, or if you would prefer call voice support on 0870 112 1206, which is staffed 24/7.

Best regards,
Garrick Darts,
Netgear Technical Support.

Probably a nice man from India,  BWTFDIK

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