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Author Topic: WinAmp 5  (Read 1165 times)

Offline Simon

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WinAmp 5
« on: January 05, 2005, 00:26 »
Does anyone know how to get WinAmp 5 to play several tracks continuously, without putting a gap between each track?  I've been through all the options, and can't see anything obvious, and it's bugging me.  ::)

By the way, these are not MP3s, which have a gap 'built in' to the beginning of each track.  These are FLAC format, which don't.
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Offline joudi

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Re:WinAmp 5
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2005, 02:45 »
Well Simon, I think you know these things better than me. So, I'm not really sure that I understood well your need.

However, I tried a way which could be for a help, in case I understood correctly your issue.    ;)

You have the option of displaying the play-list (PL). Go after that to the menu bar of the play-list and select:

File  then   Add File(s)   and add the files which you wanted it to play.    :)

BTW.   It worked with me for the MP3 format. I have no idea about the FLAC format.
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Offline Simon

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Re:WinAmp 5
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2005, 08:04 »
What I mean, Joudi, is when you are playing a live album, or a series of tracks merged together, with no gap between them, WinAmp always seems to insert a small break, or pause, between the tracks, rather then playing continuously.  Does that make more sense now?

This isn't a 'problem' as such, because Windows Media Player plays without pausing (but I haven't got a FLAC plugin for it yet), it's just an annoyance that I'm sure has a remedy.  I just can't find it!
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Offline joudi

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Re:WinAmp 5
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2005, 09:13 »
Oh, sorry Simon!

In fact I was doubting that it's not possible for Simon to miss a simple matter like the answer which I gave.

Anyway, searching the net to understand the matter of FLAC files, I found that it's a matter more complicated than what I imagined.

I found this site a little helpful. Here's its' home page:


But in which concerns winamp, it gave the following note:

The Winamp plugin should work for both Winamp2 and Winamp5. If you are using Winamp 2.x, all that is necessary is to copy in_flac.dll to the Plugins/ directory of your Winamp installation. There is nothing else to configure. Make sure to restart Winamp before trying to play any .flac files.


here seems to be the plugin for Winamp:


If you feel I still misunderstand the point, I appologise, recognizing very well that you are the audio patron of the forum.    ;)
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Offline twiggy

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Re:WinAmp 5
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2005, 13:01 »
Hi Simon i no what you mean jsut can't rember the setting it is that dos it  >:( i had like a 5 second fade on it which faded the last track out n the next one in, i will take a look for you now and see if i can get it back on.

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Re:WinAmp 5
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2005, 13:10 »
Ok simon got it, drop down the EQ (its labeled config for some reason :-\) Under the drag tab where you can select the sound from right to left there is a button under it (has two arrows on it) select that and then you will notice the button next to it on the right becomes active then with this pressing the buttons on the right and left of it increses and decreses the time which each track fades into each other.

No it sounds long wen explaining but its very quick to do  :P

Offline Simon

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Re:WinAmp 5
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2005, 13:10 »
Thanks Joudi, you're quite correct, in that I don't think you've grasped what I mean.  ;)  If you play a CD which is a live recording, you hear the audience cheering in between songs, yes?  Well, in WinAmp, as, for example, track 1 ends and track 2 starts, there is a small, but noticable pause, which you don't get when playing a CD on a normal CD player.  This also happens when playing a CD where the tracks mix together, with no gap.  I can't find a way to explain it any better.   :)

Thanks also for the FLAC plugins for WinAmp.  I think I need the FLAC plugins for Windows Media Player too, but I'm sure I can find those somewhere.

Twiggy, yes you have the idea.  I think I've played with the crossfade settings before, but maybe I missed something?
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Offline twiggy

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Re:WinAmp 5
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2005, 13:13 »
Well simon didnt the cross fade sort it out?

Offline Simon

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Re:WinAmp 5
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2005, 14:45 »
Nope.  Still left a gap.  I'll have another fiddle when I get a chance.
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