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Author Topic: Broadband _ Which Flavour?  (Read 1708 times)

Offline chorleydave

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Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« on: December 22, 2004, 13:32 »
I have just given one month's notice on my Fast24 dialup account.  I have decided to go broadband (BB) in the new year, as it has now come down to a reasonable cost and is only a couple of quid dearer than I am paying now.

Because I only spend around three hours a day on the net, unless I am doing some big downloads, I do not intend to splash out on equipment etc.  Therefore, I will be signing up with a service that gives a free modem and line conversion.  The favourite at the moment is Wanadoo, as all I will have to do is walk across the road to Dixons, pay £35 for a box containing modem, filters and first two months 2GB/1MB BB (which is more than enough for my use) sign a piece of paper and Robert is the brother of one of my parents.

Before I do this (about the second week in January as my dialup expires on the 20th January) does anyone have any other recommendations, but not AOL?  I know Tiscali do an identical package for the same price, but as I said earlier Wanadoo means minimal faffing, so it would have to be a better package at the same price to change my mind.


Offline Sandra

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2004, 14:09 »
It sounds good for simplicity Dave if you are definately happy with a capped service.
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Offline Clive

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #2 on: December 22, 2004, 14:32 »
Although I don't use them myself for BB, I understand that you will find it hard to beat Plusnet for price and reliability.

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #3 on: December 22, 2004, 14:45 »
I would always recommend Pipex, who also offer a free modem and set up package.  Their 1Gb Capped service is £19.99, and the uncapped service is £23.44 per month.
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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #4 on: December 22, 2004, 18:55 »

I was with Freeserve [Wanadoo] for years, no problems at all with the service.

I've two low usage mates, whom I set up with Wanadoo Anytime dial up accounts [ones since gone on to BB with them]Both are happy with the service, like you say set up is simple, only drawback is their Tech Phone Support, 50p a minute last time I looked. But theres a simple solution to that DONT RING EM

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Offline chorleydave

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #5 on: December 22, 2004, 23:27 »
Thanks for the replies.

I've had a look around and Wanadoo it is.  My current internet usage rarely tops 100 hours of my 200 hours per month dialup account limit, so (even with the occassional big download) I can't envisage myself getting anywhere near the 2GB per month download limit, especially as I will still disconnect at bedtime, switch off the computer, and will not reconnect until I get home from work.  

Once the twelve months is up, I might well migrate to an unlimited package, as some of them cost even less than the £17.50 a month with Wanadoo and offer free migration, but (of course) I will do my research first as I wouldn't want to end up with a Gio or a Vispa!  :o

Offline chorleydave

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #6 on: December 28, 2004, 00:35 »
Hmm!  Just as I thought I was definitley decided on Wanadoo's 1MB/2GB capped service @ £17.99 a month, I found Demon's Home 500, which is slower (512kbs) but is uncapped and costs the same.  Also it comes with free setup and free modem.

Does anyone know anything about Demon?


Offline Simon

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #7 on: December 28, 2004, 01:26 »
Some good reviews on ISPr, Dave:-  Comes without webspace though, if that's an issue for you, and it looks to me like it's actually £19.99 per month.
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Offline chorleydave

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #8 on: December 28, 2004, 13:27 »
Well, I'm really begining to reconsider my plans to go broadband, as for a light user like me (rarely more than three-four hours a day [if that] on the internet) the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages.  My main reason for considering broadband was that I had become fed up with spending every Sunday morning updating security software on a slow connection, but I have found that simply not using security software on my spare machine and doing a format-reinstall takes just 3/4 of a hour.  Therefore, I am now thinking of reverting to my main PC, but only updating once a month, as if I did pick up a nasty I could quickly do a format/reload, as I only install programs I know I will use anyway.  I only have 2.5GB installed in total.

From what I can see, unless you want to pay through the nose, broadband just ain't worth the hassle, there are just too many restrictions.  Either it's free setup, but a capped service or a twelve month contract (and often both) or an extortionate setup fee and a high ongoing cost, OK if you're on all day, but not worth it if you go out to work.  I still like the look of the Demon package, but as Simon says it appears to be £19.99 and not £17.99 as I read on the link I saw last night.  However, the Terms and Conditions are frightening:

(c) For Home 500 customers:


Cancellation of Home 500

Other than cancellation under paragraph 13.1 above, if you cancel after the Agreement Date but before the start of the Minimum Period of Service, then there will be a charge depending on how many working days it is before the start of the Minimum Period of Service.

up to 2 working days

£150.00 + VAT

3-5 working days


Abortive Visit Charge
Abortive visits include attendance to incorrect address provided by you, instances when the Premises does not meet the Physical Characteristics (or any other requirements specified by the Carrier), or where you have not agreed to take the Service at the appointed time as agreed between the Carrier and THUS.

£125.00 + VAT

Administration Charges
Where order details received from you are illegible, materially incorrect or incomplete.

£23.00 + VAT per hour (minimum £46.00 + VAT)

Reconnection Charge
If your phone line is disconnected by the Carrier for any reason, including non-payment of bill or change in service ownership , and subsequently reconnected, you may be liable to pay THUS a reconnection charge for your ADSL service**

** you may be required to commence a new contract for Service with THUS; this does not terminate your payment obligations under the original Agreement.

£260 + VAT

Reworking Charge
If you consent to a Carrier engineer making good any existing non-Carrier installed wiring to make it fit for installation of the Service.

Carrier will charge you directly

Sod that.  How do I know where I will be in twelve months' time?  Moving home is expensive enough without having to fork out up to £260 to your ISP.

Fortunately, I'm in no hurry, so I may uncancel my Fast24 dialup account and see where British broadband is in twelve months time.  Otherwise I may go with Wanadoo, as it is only £2 more than my dialup charge, is faff-free to setup, and 2GB a month is probably twice what I use at the moment.

Offline Tony

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2004, 12:33 »
Otherwise I may go with Wanadoo, as it is only £2 more than my dialup charge, is faff-free to setup, and 2GB a month is probably twice what I use at the moment.

Come on Dave, 47p a week extra for a Broadband connection......thats got to be the biggest "no brainer" decision you could possibly make this side of the New year   ;D
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Offline chorleydave

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #10 on: January 10, 2005, 18:49 »
Well, I finally bit the bullet and went into Dixon's and bought the Wanadoo pack as it is half price in the sale.  That's the first 2 months 1mb/s broadband including free modem and setup for eighteen quid.  As I am only a light user (never any more than four hours a day online) I have gone for the 2GB capped service at £17.99.  It is highly unlikely that I will ever get near the limit - I mean, last month I used just 87 hours of my 200 hours Fast24 dialup limit - but it can be upgraded to 6GB for another four quid or 30GB for an extra eight quid.  However, unless I have an accident and become housebound, the chances of me even getting near 2GB in a month is pretty slim.

I don't intend to stay with Wanadoo after the 12 months is up.  I was going to pay for setup and go with EFH broadband at £9.99/month unlimited, but I couldn't bring myself to hand my own cash over to the despicable BT.  I would rather contract AIDS than give that bunch of parasites a penny more than I have to.  Therefore, I let Wanadoo pay to have my line activated.  Furthermore, as Wanadoo is foreign, I have the satisfaction of knowing that profits will not be benefiting backward Britain.  Once my twelve months is up, I will migrate to an unlimited cheaper service.

Thanks to all those who replied to this thread with advice.  :)

Offline Clive

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Re:Broadband _ Which Flavour?
« Reply #11 on: January 10, 2005, 19:19 »
You won't regret BB Dave.   ;D

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