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Author Topic: Email worm tells victims it has found pornographic material  (Read 715 times)

Offline Clive

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Virus experts at Sophos have discovered a mass-mailing worm that fools computer users into believing that pornographic adult content has been found on their PC, and lures them into running malicious code which opens a backdoor allowing remote hackers access to their data.

The W32/Baba-C worm spreads via email, duping innocent users into believing that it is a warning about XXX content found on their Windows PC. Users are told that adult material on their PC can be hidden by running a program called "Evidence Cleaner". However, in reality, no X-rated content has been found on the PC, and clicking on the attached file runs the worm which will attempt to forward itself to other email addresses, and open a backdoor for hackers to gain access to the system.

Emails sent by the worm have the following characteristics:

Important! XXX sites found on your computer!

Message body:
Windows Evidence Checker has found XXX content on your computer. You can hide your activities with Evidence Cleaner service.

To run Evidence Cleaner click to quick shortcut attached.

Warning! Your copy of Evidence Cleaner will be expired after 7 days. Today you can register for FREE.

Please check attached instructions for more details.

"Many people are worried about the adult material that inhabits areas of the internet, and don't want it to reach their PC. It's also clear that the internet is widely used for accessing hardcore sexual material," said Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos. "Either way, many people want to ensure that their PC contains no evidence of XXX content, and may be tempted to follow this email's instructions if they receive this worm. The Baba-C worm is using a dirty trick. Our advice, as always, is to keep your anti-virus software up-to-date and never launch an unsolicited email attachment. "


Offline chorleydave

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Re:Email worm tells victims it has found pornographic materi
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2005, 00:23 »
This story has inspired me to email the President of the United States.

As some of you will know, I do not have any problem with the use of physical torture on certain breeds of sub-human animals - hackers, spammers and virus writers being the most legitimate of targets.  Therefore, I have emailed Dubya and suggested that as profit is more important than life and death in the capitalist west, and as viruses have been known to cripple companies and so cost them profits, could this particular breed of sub-human please be incarcerated in Baghdad's Abu Ghraib prison and Charles Graner and Lynndie England given unbridled control over what goes on in the wing in which they are held?

I would just love to see pictures of virus writers being totally humiliated, tortured and abused.  After all, it's their fault I have to suffer security software on my computer.  :baad:

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