For the benefit of Tony and Simon. 
Sez her who cannot reach the log in page...yet me and Simon can

Thats the trouble with old trouts, XP is just one step to far in new fangled thingimebods for them to cope with.

Lona, I don't have a network, so had no need to know bugger all about them. But maybe changing the firewall, may need it rejigging abit thats all. How do you connect to the net, via a router or a bog standard USB BB modem?
For test purposes just forget the network for now [disable it] Try connecting your XP PC direct to the net using your 56K internal modem, or a bog standard BB USB modem if you have one. And either Sygate or ZoneAlarm firewall with XP's FW disabled.
What I'm saying is both me and Simon can connect to the login page. And I believe he connects his PC, like me direct to the web with a bog standard modem.
If it works, then it is definately a XP Firewall problem, meaning the settings on your network router just need tweaking to accomodate the new firewall. If it doesn't work, then the problem lies elsewhere, fault finding is just a process of elimination.
For instance, got up this morning and the gas boiler was not working, no hot water or central heating, bloody freezing it was. Turns out I found two faults, the connections to the vent fan resistor were corroded. And the thermocouple sensor was not opening the gas valve to the boiler burner. Turns out it was not seated properly on the boiler burner gas valve activation unit. As a sparky in a mung, I've install and fault found on factory boilers. I once worked a full 24 hour shift commissioning one of two new boilers at Johnson and Johnson's factory in Gargrave....Ah happy days.
You'll tell me if I digress wont you?