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Author Topic: Online degrees  (Read 758 times)

Offline Clive

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Online degrees
« on: January 30, 2005, 14:08 »
Anyone interested in doing an online degree?  Have a look at www.ultraversity.net and take a tour through the Ultraversity degree which is a radical approach to online learning at undergraduate level fully validated by Anglia Polytechnic University.

The innovative BA (Hons) Learning, Technology, Research Degree is for people in full time work including those with full time family
responsibilities. It is research based, is provided exclusively online and aims to help student researchers become articulate, critically reflective problem solvers within their work context.  Student researchers are
supported in an online community by their peers and Ultralab learning facilitators. Central to the degree is the development of research skills
to take from job to job or home to job.

Ultraversity is recruiting a third cohort to begin on 28th. February 2005 so join several hundred others in a new way to graduate at an affordable cost of £600 per academic year.


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