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Author Topic: Excel Help  (Read 916 times)

Offline twiggy

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Excel Help
« on: February 23, 2005, 15:53 »
Hi folks I'm currently doing a project for college and I need to make a break even chart. Now all the excel stuf is done but when i come to make the line graph the lines don't start on the left  :(

I have attached the file so you can take a look (table is in Chart 3 and its getting the info from Sheet2)


Can some one please explain hoe I can get the lines to start from the left?

Yes i have clicked time bound in the axies set-up but the bottom dosn't show how many plants sold.


Offline joudi

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Excel Help
« Reply #1 on: February 23, 2005, 16:26 »
Sorry Twiggy,

I've never used Excel, and don't know how to use it, but as I see no one answering you, I'm just wondering of your file. Not sure though I understood correctly what you mean.

I have your lines already on the left side, and everything seems to me normal.

Is it a problem on your system, or it's me who don't see what you mean?
object width="450" height="150">

Offline sam

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Excel Help
« Reply #2 on: February 23, 2005, 16:59 »

I see what you mean, I think.

Is it so that the y axis crosses the x at zero? So that there is not a gap between your data and the axis?

If so you just need to hightlight the x axis by clicking on it. Once you have this selected right click on it.  Click "Format Axis". Once you have done this you should see a popup box. Make sure you are on the scale tab. Once you have done this go down to the option "Value (Y) axis crosses between categories".  Make sure it is not selected and you should see your graph shifted and thus having no gap.

If thats not what you meant could you ellaborate a bit more please :-)
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline twiggy

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Excel Help
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2005, 17:11 »
Thanks why that was the problem just un-clicked it and it was sorted.


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