Hi guys !!
My first letter thingy! Wooo! lol
I have a problem! a big problem! And I would be extreamly grateful if someone could help me. t's driving me craaaazeeee!!
I have just got a new laptop computer last month, and despite reading everything about all this virus stuff, spyware, and my boyfriend constantly telling me to install anti-virus stuff, I never bloody did! As i'm stooopidly impatient.

What a night mare!! I telling myself I would get around to installing it some other time

And now I think it's too late.
Everytime I turn my computer on, it crashes on me!

but before it crashes, Ive noticed a brand spanking new desktop icon!!! oooooooh...... It's of a sexi lady and it's called "Free XXX" so I am blaming this lady for all trouble caused...GRRRRRRRRR!
when it crashes i get a nice blue screen with white writing which appears for like a milisecond and it says something like "for the protection of your computer windows is shutting down" and other stuff similar to that. You also get about 5 million bad words flying from my mouth along with it.....IT'S A DISASTER!!!
I just don't know what the freak to do???! Does anyone know if it's possible to fix this myself, especially when it won't stay on long enough for me to do anytihng? Is my computer completely distroyed?

Please please please please (times a blilion), If someone, man, woman, cat or dog, could offer me any advice, I'd be indebted to them for life. Thanks for reading this,