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Author Topic: Please please, help me network my pc and laptop! :S  (Read 1025 times)

Offline dnf999

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Please please, help me network my pc and laptop! :S
« on: February 20, 2005, 19:22 »
Hey all

I am having a problem accessing my laptop from my pc and vice-versa.

I have set up an ADSL wireless router and internet connection is fine on both laptop and on the PC.  The problem is when I try to set them up on a network together to view/transfer files.

I set up the network through Windows (set up a home or small office network).  I copy the network settings through the wizard to the a floppy and run it on the laptop.

But when I try to view workgroup computers it hangs and I can't see the laptop/or the laptop cannot see the PC.

Both have service Pack 2.  I use a Belkin ADSL Modem with Wireless-G Router.  Laptop has wireless network card.

I am unsure if i have to change the set up on the Router - but don't know how.

Please help!!

THANKS in Advance  :wink:

Offline Simon

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Please please, help me network my pc and laptop! :S
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2005, 19:42 »
Have you checked the firewall on the router, to make sure it's allowing access both ways from your PC to your Laptop and vice versa?  Sorry, I can't tell you how to do that, but hopefully a real techie will be along soon.  :)
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Offline Sandra

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Please please, help me network my pc and laptop! :S
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2005, 23:56 »
You shouldnt need to allow anything in your router if its allowing internet access from both the pc and laptop.
Did you select the option of "this computer connects via a residential gateway" ?
Did you enable file and printer sharing on both the pc and laptop when you ran the network wizard ?
If they are both on XP then you dont need to save the settings to a floppy, thats only really for if ones on ME or 98.
I would suggest that you run the network wizard again on the pc first and make sure that you select enable file and printer sharing, then run the network wizard on the laptop again, not from the floppy, and again make sure that you select file and printer sharing.
You should also make sure that the laptop and pc are also members of the same workgroup, usually MSHOME but as long as theyre both the same it should be ok.

Offline dnf999

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Please please, help me network my pc and laptop! :S
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2005, 19:14 »
Thanks, but stilll doesnt work :(

I've read so many forums on this, stuff about NetBEUI, that I haven't got the correct components, that one is Windows XP Home and other Professional etc...

I've spent hours trying to figure this out but with no luck :(  

Im willing to pay - with gratitude!  hehe

Alas it may just mean we can share internet connection, but if anybody knows otherwise please shout out!

Offline Sandra

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Please please, help me network my pc and laptop! :S
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2005, 23:03 »
Ok, first of all as long as you have definately run the wizard correctly on both pcs and you have got them both as the same workgroup name they should both appear in View Workgroup Computers.
If it doesnt show both pcs on each machine then then you need to check that the firewall is set to allow each pc to see the other.
Which firewall are you using and can you set it to detect your LAN or temporarily disable it and then check to see if you can see both pcs in workgroup computers.
There is no point trying to go any further until both pcs can see both pcs in workgroup computers  :)

Offline dnf999

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Please please, help me network my pc and laptop! :S
« Reply #5 on: March 02, 2005, 15:42 »
Thanks for your responses.

I finally got it working - well half working!

I had to change the settings on the Router firewall to allow it to let me see the IP address of the laptop.  So its fine for me to access the laptop - but still the laptop can't see the PC, ah well - good enough for me.

Thanks a lot

Offline Sandra

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Please please, help me network my pc and laptop! :S
« Reply #6 on: March 02, 2005, 16:43 »
Thats strange as the router firewall shouldnt work on your LAN, only on the WAN  :?
Or should I say that I have never come across one that did  :?
If the pc can see the laptop but not the other way round it definately sounds like its a firewall blocking it or you have run the wrong option in the network setup wizard.
Still if its doing what you need it to do for now thats the main thing  :)

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