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Author Topic: Yahoo Mail  (Read 1615 times)

Offline maidmarcia

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Yahoo Mail
« on: March 07, 2005, 17:00 »
I could be posting this in the wrong forum issue or something, but I need some feedback. Everytime I go to Yahoo Mail I log in my name and password, but the page always comes up as a blank whiteness... Anyone have any ideas about this?

Offline Simon

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Yahoo Mail
« Reply #1 on: March 07, 2005, 17:12 »
Hi Maidmarcia, and  :welcome:

We had a not entirely dissimilar problem posted a couple of days ago, and it was down to a pop up stopper.  Do you have one installed?  Try disabling it.  If not, can you give us a bit more information?  Which browser are you using (Internet Explorer / Mozilla / Firefox etc), which version of Windows are you using (XP / ME / 98 etc), and if you have XP, have you recently installed the major SP2 windows update?  You might find this thread useful to read through.
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Offline maidmarcia

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Yahoo Mail
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2005, 17:34 »
OK, here's some more detail.
I've tried loading Yahoo Mail on around 5 different computers at my school.
A few are networked with the school districts network. (HWDSB). They're just installed something called "Spybot" on all the computers across the city in this network.
The other computers are in a local hub in my drafting room.
Both networks run Hotmail OK.
I enter my name and password (as I said before) and the word "error" comes up in the bottom left corner.
This has never happened before.
I'm not sure what else could be affecting this and I am most definitely quite unintelligent when it comes to browser/Internet problems.
Another thing is that some of the computers  I used has MSN & Yahoo tool bars as well.
Hope this is more helpful and thanks so much for trying to help.

Offline Simon

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Yahoo Mail
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2005, 17:58 »
It definitely sounds like a network issue, if you are getting the same results on 5 different computers.  Spybot doesn't (I don't think) block access to websites, unless they are particularly dubious.  It is a spyware scanner, which detects and removes spyware and / or malicious programs, much in the same way as an anti-virus program would.  I use it myself, and I can still access Yahoo! Mail.  Maybe your network has been set to block certain websites, or this could be a network firewall problem?

Unless anyone else here has any ideas, I would suggest you have a word with your network administrator, to see if any sites have been blocked, and / or you could also try a different browser, such as Firefox, or Mozilla, both of which can be found in my sig, below.
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Offline davy51

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Yahoo Mail
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2005, 18:08 »
Quote from: "Simon"
It definitely sounds like a network issue, if you are getting the same results on 5 different computers.  Spybot doesn't (I don't think) block access to websites, unless they are particularly dubious.  It is a spyware scanner, which detects and removes spyware and / or malicious programs, much in the same way as an anti-virus program would.  I use it myself, and I can still access Yahoo! Mail.  Maybe your network has been set to block certain websites, or this could be a network firewall problem?

Unless anyone else here has any ideas, I would suggest you have a word with your network administrator, to see if any sites have been blocked, and / or you could also try a different browser, such as Firefox, or Mozilla, both of which can be found in my sig, below.

Another thing it could be is that yahoo is blocked by you browser security settings
It does collect personal information
You can go into you security settings and check to see if yahoo is blocked by to high a setting

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Offline maidmarcia

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Yahoo Mail
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2005, 16:33 »
I might be getting a little paranoid, but could it be that it's just my account that's acting up? Is there a Yahoo administrator that I could get a hold of through email or something? To me, this just doesn't make sense because it was working OK before on these computers, and now it doesn't.

Offline Clive

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Yahoo Mail
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2005, 16:50 »
I doubt if Yahoo is targetting you specifically Maidmarcia. I also feel certain that the problem is firewall or security related.  The Yahoo helpdesk is:

http://help.yahoo.com/help/uk/mail  but it will be interesting to see whether you can access  it.

Offline joudi

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Yahoo Mail
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2005, 17:51 »
Exactly Clives' link, but not of the UK, I found the one of US giving an interesting option on the bottom of the page to contact "Yahoo Mail Customer Care". Here it is:


That will guide you to a page where you can write the principal word/words of your problem., for instance:

"Blank", or "Blank Page", or "Blank mail page" etc...

It will give you several cases. If your case is not included, you can check the fild "Not Even Close" (to the right side). Then it'll open you a window to send them your question.

Hope that helps.     :)
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Offline chorleydave

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Yahoo Mail
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2005, 19:33 »
Probably not related, but if you are using Yahoo webmail, are all cookies allowed, including third pary cookies?

I have converted my Yahoo mail to Pop3 and collect it  through my email client (currently Outlook Express) but if I try to access it via the web, I can't get to it unless I change my cookie settings to allow all cookies, including third party cookies.

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