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Author Topic: 2Mb or not 2Mb - that is the question!  (Read 4112 times)

Offline Lona

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2Mb or not 2Mb - that is the question!
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2005, 21:16 »
ust one other thing - I don't understand why you didn't get the free modem and set up when you joined, as I thought that was an ongoing offer.

By the time I joined that offer was discontinued.  Story of my life, Simon.

I know what you are saying about migrating and I am caught between a rock and a hard place here.  I have checked out plusnet and it's free migration but if you move you have to pay them £14.99 to migrate again.

Big brother has won round one but I am going to check out trading standards to see if they can do what they are doing.

I can't see why I can't cancel my existing account and set up a new one under my hubby's name.   After all if I left him, and he wanted to set up an account with Pipex he should not have to pay £15 as he is a new customer.
I don't think I can go so far as to leave my husband to prove a point but I know I am right and I hate somebody trying to tell me I'm wrong just because I am one of the little people.  Another thing, what if I moved house does that mean that the new owners of my house need to pay Pipex £15 to upgrade.  It's a  ludicrous situation to say the least.

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:

Offline Simon

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2Mb or not 2Mb - that is the question!
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2005, 22:02 »
Quote from: "Lona"
Quote from: "Simon"
Just one other thing - I don't understand why you didn't get the free modem and set up when you joined, as I thought that was an ongoing offer.

By the time I joined that offer was discontinued.  Story of my life, Simon.

Hmm... strange that, given that the offer is still going now.  :(

Quote from: "Lona"
Big brother has won round one but I am going to check out trading standards to see if they can do what they are doing.

While what they are doing might be unfavourable to existing customers, I can't see that it could be seen as illegal, as they have not forced anyone into anything.  I would imagine TS would ask on what grounds you thought they were acting outside the law?  They have not taken money from you unlawfully, they have not forced you to pay to upgrade, then given the upgrades free to others, and they are still providing the service you have contracted them to provide.   I don't think they are any different to most other business, who are out to make a fast buck wherever possible.

Quote from: "Lona"
I can't see why I can't cancel my existing account and set up a new one under my hubby's name.  After all if I left him, and he wanted to set up an account with Pipex he should not have to pay £15 as he is a new customer.

Presumably, if you left hubby, all he would need to do is change the name on the account, which wouldn't involve disconnecting and reconnecting again.

Quote from: "Lona"
I asked them to close my account and give me a MAC number.  The girl asked me why I was leaving pipex and I said I was not technically leaving but was going to sign up as a new customer under my husbands name.  She said I couldn't do that as you can't move from the same isp.

Presumably, again, that's because the phone line and number would be the same, and their systems can't handle that sort of trick.  What if you were to cancel your existing service without migrating anywhere?  How long would it take them to disconnect you, in order for you to sign up again, without going anywhere else in between?  Can't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to do that, but you might lose your service and have to go back to dial up for a few days.

Quote from: "Lona"
It's a  ludicrous situation to say the least.

Yes, and unfortunately, one where it's difficult to see how you can win.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending Pipex (or sucking up to them!) - I'm just trying to see it from a neutral prospective.  All businesses charge fees wherever they can.  It's how they make their money.  Hell, I'm surprised the banks don't charge you to walk in the door these days!   I think you'll get clobbered for some sort of migration fee, or set up charge, whatever you try to do here, with any ISP.   In the case of the Pipex regrade, you have the option whether to pay the fee or not, depending if you want to queue jump.  Personally, I think I would try to establish from Pipex what the timescale is of you getting your upgrade, before launching into a time consuming crusade, which might get you nowhere.

Just my thoughts, Lona.  ;)
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Offline chorleydave

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2Mb or not 2Mb - that is the question!
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2005, 22:08 »
Quote from: "Lona"
Quote from: "Simon"
I will never understand why folk in this country just accept things but that will never change in my lifetime I suppose.

I too don't think it will change in any of our lifetimes, Lona.  The people of England, Scotland and Wales like to call this island "Rip-Off Britain", but whose fault is it?  Like you, I have done a bit of crusading in the past, but I have given up for the simple reason that I have learned that the "British" actually believe it is right and proper to be ripped off, at times becoming verbally aggressive in defence of things that if they were to be imposed on more enlightened people (such as the French or Germans) all hell would break loose.


Offline Lona

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2Mb or not 2Mb - that is the question!
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2005, 22:26 »
Quote from: "chorleydave"
Quote from: "Lona"
Quote from: "Simon"
I will never understand why folk in this country just accept things but that will never change in my lifetime I suppose.

I too don't think it will change in any of our lifetimes, Lona.  The people of England, Scotland and Wales like to call this island "Rip-Off Britain", but whose fault is it?  Like you, I have done a bit of crusading in the past, but I have given up for the simple reason that I have learned that the "British" actually believe it is right and proper to be ripped off, at times becoming verbally aggressive in defence of things that if they were to be imposed on more enlightened people (such as the French or Germans) all hell would break loose.


I couldn't have put it better myself Dave,  this nation is a nation of wimps and I like yourself is fed up being branded a trouble maker.  It's a pity Emily Pankhurst wasn't alive today. It was people like her that got things done. Nobody gives a damn now and just puts up with things.  :cussing:  :cussing:  :cussing:

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:

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