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Author Topic: Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???  (Read 1824 times)

Offline Michelle

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« on: March 24, 2005, 16:46 »
Right here we go ..... I've been looking on the internet and it just confuses me, can someone tell me, in blonde speak what my options are please ....

I want to network two computers to be able to use broadband at the same time (AOL _ DSL) And share files.

One has a network card

One only has usb port.

They are close to each other so could use cables, but would wireless be easier? but alot more expensive I'd assume.

Both will be XP

Although I'd like to network with my old puter to transfer files over at first which is on M.E

So can you please advise what I can use and/or what my options are.

Thanking you very muchly for any advice  :)
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Offline Sandra

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2005, 17:22 »
The quickest, easiest and cheapest option is by ethernet cable Michelle.
Have you got a spare pci slot in the pc that doesnt have ethernet built in or if it hasnt could you take the pci modem card out as you wont need that once youre set up for a network on BB ?
If you can fit a pci ethernet card in the non ethernet pc then you will also need an ethernet called, for pc to pc you need a "crossed" one.
This will allow you to share the internet connection as long as the pc that is connected to the modem is swiitched on. It will aso allow you to transfer files from your old pc to your new one and vice versa, once you have set the network up and the permissions  :)

Offline Michelle

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2005, 20:56 »
I did quite well I didn't get lost until the second sentence :lol:

Thanks sandra, how do I know if I have a pci slot? wassat then?  :roll:  :?

I'll have to be fitting cards will I ?  isn't there just an adapter from usb to ethernet? Or am I on the wrong track there?
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Offline Sandra

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2005, 23:20 »
You can get a usb to ethernet but that would need software installing and isnt as good or efficient as pure ethernet to ethernet. plus you can get an ethernet pci card from around £7 upwards whereas a usb to ethernet adapter would be in the region of £20 or more  :roll:
Adding a pci ethernet card, providing you have a spare slot or can free one up by removing another card, is simplicity itself Michelle.
Have a look at the back of your ME pc and see if you have all the slots in the case filled up, that way you dont necessarily even have to open the case up to check  :)

Offline Camstop

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2005, 23:38 »
It might be worth mentoning that doing it this way means you have to have your pc with your ADSL modem on for the other pc to have internet access.

If you want internet access on the second PC while the one with the modem is off you need a router.

You'd be looking for something like this..>>> :sheep:

Offline Lona

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2005, 00:08 »
My old pc is ME as well Michelle and like Sandra says, if you don't want to invest in a router at this time an ethernet to ethernet is the cheapest and the fastest.  Don't listen to Cammy putting you off.  What's the big deal about booting up 2 pc's . My son and I have shared  now for 6 months.

I got my new router, wireless modem today and now have my pc, son's pc and Euan's laptop all connected and it was easier than I thought it would be.

Just read the manuals, Michelle, and when you get stuck, contact Sandra.  :wink:

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Offline Michelle

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2005, 01:21 »
Thanks for all of your help.

Okay I get the point there then, I'll have a look see whats in the thing.  :laugh:
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Offline Camstop

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2005, 08:57 »
My old pc is ME as well Michelle and like Sandra says, if you don't want to invest in a router at this time an ethernet to ethernet is the cheapest and the fastest.  Don't listen to Cammy putting you off.  What's the big deal about booting up 2 pc's . My son and I have shared  now for 6 months.

I got my new router, wireless modem today and now have my pc, son's pc and Euan's laptop all connected and it was easier than I thought it would be.

Kinda contradicting your self there Lona  :whistle:  :wink:  and we all know Shell's loaded  :booze2:

If you had a spare £25 what would you do in Shells situation Sandra ?

Offline Sandra

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2005, 13:19 »
A router wins hands down if you can afford it.
Once you have put the details in the router then it doesnt mater how many times you wipe your pc or add another pc to your network, you dont have to bother setting up another internet connection. Plus most routers have some form of built in firewall these days so you have the extra security benfits as well  :)

Offline Michelle

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2005, 14:02 »
Okay right, thanks again, so if I go down the wireless router path, what do I need to buy?

That one cammy showed looks very cheap compaired to what I've seen.

So just a few questions then :lol:

1) I'd need one of those and some sort of receiver for the other computer, and that will plug into the usb will it?

2)And so with a router do I still use my DSL modem? or does that replace that?

3) And I guess it has to be compatable with AOL does it?

4) And What do all the numbers mean?
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Offline Sandra

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2005, 14:26 »
If you decide you want to get a router then you have two options, with wireless or without.
The cheap one Cammy showed you is without, for a wireless one you will need to be around the £60 or more mark.
If you can easily get a wire to both the pcs that you wish to network and you dont envisage having a laptop connected  by wifi at a later date, then you may as well get a non wireless one.
Whichever you decide to go for you need an ADSL modem/ 4 port router, with or without wireless. This will allow you to get rid of your present USB modem.
There are some routers that will work with a USB modem but they are more expensive than getting a modem/router combined and you are better off avoiding USB wherever possible.
You are still better off with an ethernet pci card in your ME pc, rather than the additional expense and complications of using an ethernet to usb adaptor.

All you need to do to add a PCI card is usually to remove two screws from the back of the case on the right hand sode, looking at it from the rear. Slide the side cover off. Look inside and see if you have a spare pci slot, theses are white plastic bits about 3 inches long at the backof the motherboard. They just push into place, (sometimes you have to apply a bit of pressure as they can be a tight fit) and are held in usually by a single screw. It may or may not need drivers installing from the cd or floppy that comes with the card, XP usually installs them without any extra drivers but ME may need a driver  :)

The numbers that you will often see are 100/10 mbs. This means that the router/card will auto detect the speed of the network which is 100mb per second on newer ones and only 10 mb per second on older ones. I have never seen a network using only 10mb, although someone did offer me a 16 port 10mb hub recently  :roll:
The other numbers will be the ones referring to the wi fi part. These are usually 802b, 802g etc and are the speed of the wifi, b is 11mbps and g is 54mbs. There is another one out now that does 108 mbs but I cant think what the number for that is  :)

Offline Michelle

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2005, 23:18 »
thanks for that sandra, you are getting good at speaking blonde! Must be all the practice you've had  :laugh:

Okay I'll have a look around at some prices now, and see if we can get open the other computer, it seems to have studs and not screws in it, not the ME one, thats fine I can get into that.
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Offline Sandra

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #12 on: March 25, 2005, 23:42 »
Have you already got two pcs Michelle ?
I thought you just had the ME one and that was going to be your second pc when the new one arrived  :?

Offline Michelle

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2005, 01:13 »
no I've got two pc's and the ME one which would just be for transfering stuff over.

Also there is another one upstairs which might benefit from wireless at a later date, but I wasn't really thinking of that now.
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Offline Sandra

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Wireless - Cables - Ethernet ???
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2005, 01:47 »
Ok, if you are thinking of maybe having 3 on at a later date then you may as well go for a router then.
If you think wifi may be better for the one upstairs then you may as well go the whole hog and get an ADSL Modem/wireless router. That way you would need a wireless connection to the pc upstairs which could be a wireless pci card which fits in the same as I said the ethernet card did  :)

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