EUREKA!! :idea: I GOT IT ..ok rather i found a way around it!!!
ok so this is what i decided to do ...
i declared a new recordset and made a string variable where i can put sql code as follows:
Dim pstrSQL As String
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset
pstrSQL = "SELECT name FROM sale where firstname like'" & "da" & "___'"
'the ___ portion represents the rest of the characters ie: the above code will bring anything starting with "da" +______ any other characters"
'then in this line of code i get the recordset based on the sql statement
rs.Open pstrSQL, cn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
'then display the records on a datagrid
Set DataGrid1.DataSource = rs
now all thats remaining is to take that filtered data and copy it to a different table!
now how do i do that!!??? arghhhh anyone good at sql? sam?