Actually Simon, I am not sure if the pc needs to be into a filter :?
I think its just any phone thats plugged into a socket needs to be into a filter as its the ADSL that interferes with the phone, not the phone interfering with the ADSL but it wont hurt to have the modem or router plugged into one too, in fact my router has the small plug for the ADSL side of the filter so needs to be into it or into an adaptor.
Routers are usually very easy to set up PoD, unless like Michelle you use AOL :roll:
Normally you dont have anything to install, just connect the phone line and connect the ethernet cable to your main pc and plug into the power.
Give it a few seconds to boot up then enter the IP address of the router into your web browser.
It will probably want the routers username and password entering to allow you to access the router, this should be in the booklet that comes with the router along with which IP address it uses.
Once you have logged in there will be a section for entering your ISP details, you may have to enter 0,38 as the number but most routers already know that and will only ask for your ISPs username and password.
Leave everything else at its default settings, click on submit or save or flash to memory, whichever one your router gives as the save option.
Close the browser and re open it then you should be online
If for some reason you cant connect to IE then switch both your router and PC off and then switch them both back on and it should sort itself out.
I assume the PCI card you are talking about is a Wi Fi one ?
Just fix it in and install the software as normal, access the router through its IP address in your web browser on your main PC.
Go into the WiFi section and initially set it up without any WEP, (encryption).
Once its working on the Wi Fi side you can select the WEP and it will generate a code, set the WEP on the Wi Fi equipped PC to the same code and that should be it