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Author Topic: USB Memory Stick Appear on Desktop  (Read 1102 times)

Offline DJ

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USB Memory Stick Appear on Desktop
« on: June 05, 2005, 16:59 »
Hi All,

Just a quickie  :blush:

I use USB memory sticks to transport data from place to place, but when inserting them into my PC, they do not show up on my desktop. It does show on my works PC but not on my home PC.

On my home PC I need to access My Computer, then the drive to access the files.  At work I just need to double click the drive icon that pops up on my desktop when the USB stick is inserted.

How do I turn on this feature at home. I'm running Windows XP Home



Offline TR

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USB Memory Stick Appear on Desktop
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2005, 17:47 »

Can you see it in " My Computer " Anywhere? if so I may have the answer.


Edit: just read your post again  :blush:  sorry you can see it.

Offline Sandra

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USB Memory Stick Appear on Desktop
« Reply #2 on: June 05, 2005, 17:51 »
Mine doesnt show on the desktop but does in My Computer.

I dont know if it will work correctly but you could try creating a shortcut on your desktop when the stick is in place from My Computer.
It may remember it the next its inserted and find it from the shortcut or it may not, try it and see and let me know if it does please  :)

Offline TR

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USB Memory Stick Appear on Desktop
« Reply #3 on: June 05, 2005, 18:02 »

Offline DJ

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USB Memory Stick Appear on Desktop
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2005, 19:37 »

Sandra - your technique worked, but it had to be the same USB key and the same drive letter associated with it at each time. For example if I had two USB keys in, the drive letter may be different - so the shourtcut wouldn't work.

TR - The download worked. Seems that it was the autoplay feature on the stick itself (?) or associated with the drive letter itself. I must have deleted the files needed for it to work.

There isn't a shortcut on the desktop - but a window opens with the contents. I'll check how the shortcut works tomorrow in work and see if I can get it working at home.



Offline TR

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USB Memory Stick Appear on Desktop
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2005, 20:21 »
Quote from: "DJ"

TR - The download worked. Seems that it was the autoplay feature on the stick itself (?) or associated with the drive letter itself. I must have deleted the files needed for it to work.


Glad to be of Help DJ, have used that little util once or 2wice on my Comps, hope you have saved it in a safe place  :wink:

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