This is a little information about that particular trojan : appears that TCP port 30303 is the main one that it tries to get in on.
If you have a firewall or a router that allows specific port blocking then I would check that its blocked that one and the others in the list on that webpage.
If you are on a static or a sticky dynamic IP then theres not a lot you can do to stop it other than close down your pc for a short time and hope that it doesnt find your IP again.
If you have a dynamic IP then just rebooting should assign a different IP for you and stop the attacks.
The main thing is that you are being notified of the attack so its not actually getting in to your PC
If the IP address is always the same then you could contact the ISP and tell them which IP address is attacking you and they should be able to sort it out from their end, unless they are using a proxy server or hiding their true IP in some way