I have some computer challenged clients. Often life would be easier if I could just take over their PCs remotely. Today I have to make a 2 hour round trip because a client needs to email some pictures and can't figure it out, even with my talking her step by step over the phone.
So the easiest option I know about, (and will set up today) is using Microsoft Messenger which allows you to request remote assistance. But even that is a problem... I have to go to the client's location, set them up with a Microsoft Passport account. Then teach them how to open the program (on the few occasions when they need it), and follow correct instructions to enable the remote assistance.
It is great because it is free. But I just wish the process was even simpler. The people who need remote assistance most are the ones that have trouble doing the simplest things, like opening a seldom used program.
I've love a solution where I could send them an email, they'd click a link, authorize something, and I'd be able to take control. Something where they don't have to have software previously installed. Simple, not mistakes or confusion. Please let me know if you have any ideas?
I may even loose another potential clients because she is too far away to me to meet with, and she's freaking because she doesn't know how to resize her pictures for sending in email. I have many possible solutions, from zipping them, to just sending a CD, to using yousendit.com, to using the image resizer powertoy...and it is all just too confusing to her.
I checked out "gotomypc", but i think that only works the opposite way, for accessing my pc on the road, and it's expensive. ..