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Author Topic: US still top spam sending country  (Read 732 times)

Offline Clive

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US still top spam sending country
« on: October 13, 2005, 20:04 »
The US is still the worst spamming nation, but the rest of the world is catching up, according to a new report.

Security company Sophos has identified the twelve worst countries. In order, with the figures in brackets denoting the spam relayed by each country in the same period in 2004, they are:

1. United States 26.35% (41.50%)
2. S Korea 19.73% (11.63%)
3. China/Hong Kong 15.70% (8.90%)
4. France 3.46% (1.27%)
5. Brazil 2.67% (3.91%)
6. Canada 2.53% (7.06%)
7. Taiwan 2.22% (0.86%)
8. Spain 2.21% (1.04%)
9. Japan 2.02% (2.66%)
10. United Kingdom 1.55% (1.07%)
11. Pakistan 1.42% New Entry
12. Germany 1.26% (1.02%)
Others: 18.88% (18.10%)

Sophos also found that more than 60 per cent of spam is now generated from zombie computers - hijacked PCs infected by malware. This technique means that the culprits do not have to be in the same country as the innocent computers they are using to send their spam.

Sophos said the sharp drop in spam sent from North American computers is due to a number of factors, including jail sentences for spammers, tighter legislation and better system security.

Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant for Sophos, said: "Efforts such as ISPs sharing knowledge on how to crack down on spammers, and authorities enforcing the CAN-SPAM legislation, have helped North America tackle the spammers based on their doorsteps. Some of the most prolific spammers have been forced to either quit the business or relocate overseas as a result.

"The introduction of Windows XP SP2 a year ago, with its improved security, has also helped better defend home users from computer hijacking. The worry now is that devious spammers will turn to other net-based money-making schemes, such as spyware and identity theft malware to make their dirty money."


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