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Author Topic: BT ready to roll with 8Mbps ADSL  (Read 918 times)

Online Clive

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BT ready to roll with 8Mbps ADSL
« on: October 14, 2005, 12:54 »
Colin Barker
October 13, 2005, 18:25 BST
BT had set a launch date of November for the trials of its 8Mbps ADSL broadband Max service, with a full roll-out expected in spring 2006.

The launch of this faster broadband is key for BT as it recovers from the failure of SDSL to capture a large market.

The announcement comes after what Cameron Rejali, managing director, products and strategy for BT Wholesale, described as "highly successful" technical trials which generated positive feedback and high demand from both service providers and end-customers involved in the trial.

BT has already conducted trials of the service in London and Strathclyde. The wider market trial phase will include an initial 25 exchanges, rising to 53 exchanges as the trial progresses. The selected trial exchanges will be located in Greater London, Cornwall, Strathclyde, Northern Ireland and South Glamorgan.  Well done Serenity!  8)

BT will initially run the trial with 50,000 end users and, "depending on the successful progress of the trial", aims to get 150,000 end users signed up.

Offline Lona

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BT ready to roll with 8Mbps ADSL
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2005, 15:11 »
It would fit BT better to upgrade folks telephone lines.

I had a new line fitted Monday after years of complaining.

It turns out that the line coming into my home was 30 years old and they stopped using that type of cable years ago.

For the first time ever I have a non interrupted connection. :)

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:

Online Clive

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BT ready to roll with 8Mbps ADSL
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2005, 15:34 »
Excellent news Lona!!  The infrastructure of this country is going downhill fast.  Bring back the Victorians I say!  They knew how to do things properly!

Offline Lona

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BT ready to roll with 8Mbps ADSL
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2005, 16:29 »
Quote from: "Clive"
Excellent news Lona!!  The infrastructure of this country is going downhill fast.  Bring back the Victorians I say!  They knew how to do things properly!

Just wonder what Alexander Graham Bell would think about it all. :shock:

These companies are so busy forging ahead with new technology, they forget to maintain the existing faults.

If one took the Scots out of the world, it would fall apart
Dr. Louis B Wright, Washington DC, National Geographic (1964), from Donald MacDonald, Edinburgh :thumb:

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