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Author Topic: Bagle virus returns  (Read 721 times)

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Bagle virus returns
« on: November 03, 2005, 17:03 »
November 3, 2005
Veronique De Freitas

Web users are being warn to watch out for a new variant of the Bagle virus (also known as Mitglieder) that's spreading widely.

The BagleDl-W (Mitglieder.FK) trojan arrives in an email with blank subject and a message body that includes Texte and Info and attached files with names such as Health_and_knowledge.zip, text_sms.zip, max.zip, Business.zip and The_new_price.zip.

According to security experts, the files contain an .exe program that, if opened, installs the virus on the computer. Once installed the Trojan tries to connect to several websites to download further malicious code.

Luis Corrons, director of PandaLabs, said: "Even though the Trojan doesn't seem to be technically sophisticated, it has infected a significant number of computers, probably because it has been massively distributed to a great number of email addresses."

Anti virus companies advise internet users to check that their antivirus is updated and to not trust unsolicited email that arrives in their mail boxes.

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