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Author Topic: Hotmail account scam warning  (Read 933 times)

Offline Clive

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Hotmail account scam warning
« on: November 18, 2008, 14:09 »
An email that claims to be from the Hotmail Customer Care team is actually a phishing scam, security experts have warned.

The email, which asks recipients to verify the details of their Hotmail account to avoid having it shut down, says that your account will be closed within 24 hours if you don't reply.

The English in the email isn't especially good, which should give the game away to eagle-eyed recipients.

"We are having congestions due to the anonymous registration of Hotmail accounts so we are shutting down some Hotmail accounts and yours was among those to be deleted," the phoney email reads.

"We are sending you this email to so [sic] that you can verify and let us know if you still want to use this account," the message continues. It also asks recipients for their username, password and date of birth.

Christopher Boyd from FaceTime Security said that this scam had been seen before.

"Not the newest scam on the block, but it does seem to be currently doing the rounds so it's worth highlighting," said Boyd.


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