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Author Topic: Trojan blitz poses as credit card warning  (Read 925 times)

Offline Clive

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Trojan blitz poses as credit card warning
« on: January 23, 2006, 09:54 »
The Register
By John Leyden
Published Monday 23rd January 2006 08:16 GMT

UK businesses faced a barrage of 115,000 emails containing a new Trojan on Friday, 22 January before anti-virus vendors scrambled out an update, according to email filtering firm BlackSpider Technologies.

The Trojan downloader malware - called Agent-ADO - comes in the payload to a message that poses as a warning about a user's credit card limits been exceeded.

BlackSpider detected the malware at 0910GMT, 20 January. But it was three-and-a-half hours before the first anti-virus vendor used by BlackSpider issued a patch, once again illustrating the shortcomings of conventional ant-virus scanners in fighting fast-moving virus outbreaks.

Infected emails commonly have the subject line "ERROR:YOUR CREDIT CARD OVERDRAFT EXCEED!" and an infected attachment, a packed executable file called FILE1185 which is 5592 bytes long. Analysis of the malware is ongoing. Sysadmins are encouraged to set up rules to block the malware at the gateway. The rest of you: resist the temptation to open the attachments of unsolicited emails.

Virus writers commonly use networks of compromised PCs to seed infection over a short space of time but the ferocity of the latest attack is unusual. ®


Offline Rodders

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Trojan blitz poses as credit card warning
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2006, 12:09 »
With each new report of events such as this, I feel even more glad that I stumped up for Firetrust Benign.
Benign re-writes my email so that it still looks the same, but is neutralised so that the mail arriving in my inbox is quite safe.  It doesn't need up-to-date virus definitions to do its job - it just works in the background and all I end up with is 'clean' email.

Although it's no substitue for common sense, when used in conjunction with AVG and Mailwasher Pro, you'll have a formidable first line of defence against the criminals.

Offline Clive

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Trojan blitz poses as credit card warning
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2006, 12:17 »
Oh that's a good idea!  Must say that I haven't seen that software before.

Offline Rodders

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Trojan blitz poses as credit card warning
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2006, 13:53 »
I've used B9 for around four years now and consider it to be the most valuable of my security apps.  Definitely money well spent!    :D

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