Hey Gallery! =)
This is the cool thing about Outlook: Just like all M$ Office apps, it uses Visual Basic for macro creation. If you truly are a beginning programmer, VB6 is an ideal place to start. It's a very high level language (very readable, like english) and it will give you all the concepts you need to move on to C, C++, and Java. =) There are hundreds of tutorials on the language out there, but Sams is certainly not a bad method.
Once you feel comfortable with the language you should dive into the VB Editor within Outlook and see what it is capable of. Remember: it uses VB6 NOT VB#. =) If it cannot do all of what you want it to, pick up VB6 somewhere, you can use that just as well, once you know your way around VB.
Heres the REALLY nifty thing: if that STILL isn't enough power for you: learn C/C++. You can write script in those languages that you can make work WITH VB (remember that VB is just a higher level overlay for C++, kind of like what Windows 95 was to DOS) Once you know VB, learning other languages will be a breaze for the most part. Remember to pick up an app or a guide to server as a Windows API refference. You're going to need it, most likely, while in C and in VB, in order to make those languages work with Outlook like you want. I could be wrong, but I think that is a steadfast prediction.
I wish you luck, and happy scripting!