Hey there,
In terms of beinga newb, I have a great handle on some things, but not so hot on others, but I learn quickly.
thanks for the responses so far,
I just reformatted my drive, (it was freezing before the reformat and had been a while so I thought this might help) and it is still freezing now, It seems to be mostly when rendering video in several different programs, But last night in my quest to fix the problem and find a god rice pudding recepie I had several explorer windows open and winamp, and the screen flashed off, falshed on with a bunch of wonderful colors and random shapes all over, flashed off, flashed on with a screen somewhat resmbling my desktop, the flashed off...repeated the process once and then reset itself. I haven't updated my video drivers, so I'll do that next,
then I'll go for a remove and reseating of the video card during my next power down,
any other ways to diagnose if it is the Power supply or the video card easily(yeah right....cause anything is easy.)