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Author Topic: Where to begin with programming?  (Read 3562 times)

Offline thegallery

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Where to begin with programming?
« on: May 13, 2005, 16:54 »
Hi People.  

I?m looking for advice on what tools I need and what skills I should learn to complete a programming task. I suppose I could go a number of directions, but at this moment I don?t even know where to begin. I am an experienced web designer, but programming-wise, I?m an absolute beginner. I'm hoping you can suggest a road-map?

I want create a plug-in program for MS Outlook that would allow automation of certain tasks. The user could set preferences for a task they want to do, and an action they want to use to perform it. (say a button or hotkey). Then, when the plug-in is activated, they?d use their chosen hotkey or button to perform their tasks.

I apologize for not laying out my exact plans (I have some specific ideas in mind).

Perhaps what I?m after may not be beyond a couple of macros? However, I also want to package it. I?d like to produce this as a plug-in program, and even release it as shareware with a ?free trail? period, etc. like all the thousands of programs I see on Download.com and such.  

I also know by far the easiest way I can accomplish this whole project is to hire a programmer! But even if that is the case I still need to know what kind of programmer I and have a heads-up on everything that needs to be done.

Some potential questions:
Could I accomplish everything from just buying and learning Visual Basic 6?
Or could I accomplish everything from just the Visual Basic editor that comes with Outlook?
What are all the programming tools or languages would I have to learn?
What software would I need?

Unfortunately simplicity is also paramount; I lack discipline and patience, (which is why I probably never bothered with programming in the first place). But perhaps my goal is not too ambitious? I know these questions are rather arbitrary, and that I have no idea what is really involved. But I?m hoping you can give some suggestions, and that further, perhaps, I could use this process to help explore future ideas.

Let me know your thoughts?

Offline sam

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Where to begin with programming?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2005, 17:27 »
Unfortunately simplicity is also paramount; I lack discipline and patience, (which is why I probably never bothered with programming in the first place). But perhaps my goal is not too ambitious? I know these questions are rather arbitrary, and that I have no idea what is really involved. But I?m hoping you can give some suggestions, and that further, perhaps, I could use this process to help explore future ideas.

Lacking discipline and patience might be against you but still doesnt mean that you will not be able to do it. I personally lack patience but always manage to get the script I need done - pursuing the goal is what is needed.

Perhaps what I?m after may not be beyond a couple of macros?

I personally have not much use of macros (any programming I do is for linux) but from what I know of evil outlook (sorry anti microsoft moment) it seems as if it might be a good starting point.

Could I accomplish everything from just buying and learning Visual Basic 6?

From what I know of VB it seems as this might be ideal for what you want to do. You don't need a proper hardcore language - though for the concepts it might be better to learn c first.

I would never buy VB. I dont know what the editor is like in outlook but does it contain a compilier? This is key. If Outlook is unsatisfactory you are bound to find many free programs around - the last time I brought a magazine with a cover cd had these sort of things on (that was a while back!)

Programming tools - you dont have to learn one. Languages, from what you have said VB6 or later.

http://www.codeproject.com/vb/net/ might be of some use to you.

What are you trying to achieve via the plugin as you may well find the tasks is rather complex (and beyond a beginner) or that there is actually free packages already out there.

Oh one key thing. If I was you I wouldnt start of with some so large - learn the language first. SAMS have some good teach yourself books. I used these for C++, C and some C#. I do actually have a VB6 one but never got around to it in the end - not much use on linux.
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline Miskat

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VB Macros!
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2005, 08:25 »
Hey Gallery!  =)

This is the cool thing about Outlook: Just like all M$ Office apps, it uses Visual Basic for macro creation.  If you truly are a beginning programmer, VB6 is an ideal place to start.  It's a very high level language (very readable, like english) and it will give you all the concepts you need to move on to C, C++, and Java.  =)  There are hundreds of tutorials on the language out there, but Sams is certainly not a bad method.

Once you feel comfortable with the language you should dive into the VB Editor within Outlook and see what it is capable of.  Remember: it uses VB6 NOT VB#.  =)  If it cannot do all of what you want it to, pick up VB6 somewhere, you can use that just as well, once you know your way around VB.

Heres the REALLY nifty thing: if that STILL isn't enough power for you: learn C/C++.  You can write script in those languages that you can make work WITH VB (remember that VB is just a higher level overlay for C++, kind of like what Windows 95 was to DOS)  Once you know VB, learning other languages will be a breaze for the most part.  Remember to pick up an app or a guide to server as a Windows API refference.  You're going to need it, most likely, while in C and in VB, in order to make those languages work with Outlook like you want.  I could be wrong, but I think that is a steadfast prediction.

I wish you luck, and happy scripting!

Offline sam

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Where to begin with programming?
« Reply #3 on: June 30, 2005, 23:15 »
good comments.

...to make things more interesting you could learn python. I just started looking at this and it looks quite interesting.
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline Miskat

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« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2005, 01:29 »
Hm... I've never actually looked at Python.  I'll take a look-see.  What's it used for primarily?  (C - all purpose, VB - office apps, java - multi-platform all purpose, etc)

I need to learn html (i feel dumb not knowing it lol) and java applets.  lol  I kmnow java...  should complete that little piece lol.  Get a page up or something.  Make some silly block gathering game or whatnnot.  lol


Hey, Sam, I noticed you use Linux.  I feel dumb not knowing (I've tried Linux twice... failed both times) but what language does it use for it's core script and its app scripts.  I always assumed C/C++ but lord knows that could have changed.  >.<

Offline sam

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Where to begin with programming?
« Reply #5 on: July 01, 2005, 10:55 »
c++ is common on linux but it depends what application you are using / what you want to do. I dont mess around with my linux installation too much though. I do however write lots of scripts for unix but that is normally just c shell and fortran - which is my most used language (I am a scientist and this is the best language to use for fast numerical calculations).

Python is alsomutli-platform... I dont know much about it. I just started learning it cause I was bored and thought it would be interesting to learn.

html - it is easy you should learn this! :-) well learn xml, xhtml and css the best combination...oh and maybe a bit of php or asp (I dont know any of this as I never use windows servers!)
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline thegallery

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Hey People, I sort of started learning... now!
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2006, 16:04 »
Hi people, so it's like 6 or 7 or 8 months later! But i am finally trying to get my head into programming. Of course MS has new products out since VB6; more crap to confuse me! I downloaded a copy of their new Visual Basic Express, which is free for a year. I am taking some online video courses, and MS has a free course for "Absolute Beginners" though I got lost by lesson 3!  

I am trying to understand it all, but it will take a while. I can't even get a grip on what products is what. I understand MS has moved to this .NET framework, and I'm assuming Visual Basic Express is part of that, but I'm not dead sure! I'm just going to keep plugging away and figure any direction will be better then no direction.

Thanks for our comments before and let me know if you have any new suggestions. I will keep moving, but I fear I'll be lost for a while. One fellow said that VB programming is like looking at one of those 3D images, you keep seeing a big mess, but if you stare at it long enough you eventually see the picture.

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