Never heard of looknstop, Delgado, but it looks good, and welcome back, by the way!

I think there are pros and cons with any of the suites and stand alone utilities. I have a bit of thing about all-in-ones, and tend to prefer them to separate utilities, hence my using the Mozilla Suite, instead of Firefox and Thunderbird. Whereas the suites can use slightly more resources, I think they integrate with your system (and with themselves) better than stand alones, and there is less tendency towards conflicts.
I have now tried sevaral of the 'big' Security Suites, except McAfee, as I read some poor reviews about it being as bad as Norton for hogging resources. The Zone Alarm Security Suite was quick to set up, but for some reason, didn't allow Mail Washer to check all my mail accounts simultaneously, no matter what settings I used, so it had to go. I also tried Trend Micro PC-Cillin 14 Security Suite, but could only manage to get hold of a trial version.

Although not the best according to some online reviews, I have found
F-Secure to be the best alternative to Norton, for my needs. It's a bit long winded to install, but uses less system resources than Norton, and has AV, Firewall, Spyware and Spam protection all in one, with an easy to use, and fairly attractive interface. It lost points with some reviews, because it reported some spyware as viruses, and wasn't strict enough with Spam, but I have Mail Washer, Spyware Doctor, Ad Aware and Spybot which should take care of that! I have also found that my Bit Torrent client seems to run 5 times as fast with F-Secure, which is another bonus! :whistle: