Jesus, Lona, I can hardly believe what I just read on ISPr! Yet again, Pipex seem to be blatantly lying to customers, in denying that they are throttling ports, then admitting it the next minute! This just goes to verify my point above, that they really don't give a stuff about their customers, once they are signed up. That said, however, it could be that they are targetting specific users under the terms of the fair usage policy, and not actually throttling torrents in general. I have been downloading torrents with no problems at all, but I have recently noticed a decrease in upload speed, which affects my rating on a certain music download site, as it now takes me about 10 hours to reseed something I downloaded in about 3 hours, to maintain my share ratio. I had put it down to the torrent client, but I may try a different one to see if there's any change.
Pipex still offer one of the best start up packages around, but they will never be your best friend, and do not seem to value their customers one iota.