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Author Topic: TV still rules the media roost  (Read 654 times)

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TV still rules the media roost
« on: March 24, 2006, 13:15 »
March 24, 2006
Quentin Reade

Television is still more popular than the internet, according to a new survey.

The findings, from the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising, contradict a recent Google survey that said internet was king for those aged 15-24, but the IPA claims its survey of more than 5,000 is more robust.

The IPA TouchPoints survey, conducted by Taylor Nelson Sofres, collected data on how people were spending their time, their opinions, and the role of media in their lives.

The research shows that TV viewing still rules over other media including the internet.

Findings include:
Only 13 per cent of all written communication is now using pen and paper; 49 per cent is via email, 29 per cent via SMS text, 10 per cent via internet Instant Messaging

SMS is used more by women than men, accounting for 36 per cent and 23 per cent of their total written communication respectively

TV remains the lead medium for the majority of adults - this is true for all age groups and is irrespective of internet access

The media hierarchy in hours for all adults between Monday and Friday is: 3.9 television, 1.3 hours radio and 0.8 internet. On Saturday and Sunday this changes to: 4.5 television, 1.5 radio and 1.0 internet

On a typical weekday a 15-24 year old home internet user spends 2 hours surfing the internet - this rises to 2.4 hours at the weekend and averages 14.8 hours for the week.

Watching TV remains the core shared activity with in the family home

30 per cent of employed adults work from home on occasion; 16 per cent do so at least once a week, 7 per cent on a daily basis

Shopping for groceries over the internet is highest in East Anglia at 14 per cent followed by Greater London and the South East at 13.5 per cent. It is lowest in the North at 2.6 per cent

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