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Author Topic: Bigger network  (Read 1131 times)

Offline grt

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Bigger network
« on: May 01, 2006, 22:27 »
I have a 11b router and five computers with a mix of 11b and 11g cards .
Trouble is I can only connect three computers at a time and have to reboot the router if I want to change the connected computers .
Can I connect an 11g router to the modem and link the 11b router to that ? Will that give me more connections or will I be looking at a wired network ?

Offline Sandra

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Bigger network
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 23:58 »
If you have an ethernet modem and your 11b router has ethernet in then you may be able to do so.
Are you on cable or ADSL ?

Offline grt

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Bigger network
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2006, 06:27 »
I am on cable and the 11b has 4 cable ports and an "uplink" port which I presume is the ethernet connection .
I suppose what I am really asking is , if I link the two routers will that give me six channels to connect to or will I just have three 11b and three 11g that overlap ?

Offline Sandra

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Bigger network
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2006, 13:14 »
The best way would be change the channels to a different number on each router.

Usually you have up to 11 channels, I think.
So set one up one channel 3 and another on channel 8 or something like that.
I think each router should be able to transfer to the other one via the ethernet cable so you should still be able to share files or the wi fi from a pc on one channel to a pc on a different one but I am not 100% certain about this.

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