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Author Topic: Recent spam influx  (Read 1109 times)

Offline daveeb

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Recent spam influx
« on: May 01, 2006, 20:14 »
i've been blissfully spam free for several years, this has now changed.  I've been getting multiple messages each day the common theme being the stock market, all presented in the same style and written with a lot of wall street type jargon so somewhat defeating the purpose of spamming to the masses i would have thought.  Every sender and message title is different so i cant set any rules in outlook express to block them.  Looking in message properties some of the messages seem to originate via various incarnations of dialin.net. When i check the IP addys they are all telecom companys, predominantly deutsche telecom but many others also.  i thought of using mail washer but when i tried it about 4 years ago my old account immediately became swamped as if they'd bounced back my bounces with compound interest.  Any ideas.....its starting to get very annoying receiving 2 or 3 genuine e-mails and a dozen or so bogus ones every day.  :x

Offline Simon

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Recent spam influx
« Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 20:33 »
You don't HAVE to bounce unwanted messages with Mail Washer, in fact, I found the same as you, Dave, that bouncing seemed to attract more spam, so now I just delete everything I don't want.  I would recommend you give it another try.
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Offline daveeb

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Recent spam influx
« Reply #2 on: May 02, 2006, 15:57 »
Yes simon  i think i'll give it another go with mailwasher.  Thunderbird seems to be a bit more geared up towards spam control so i'll try that as well.  grrr another 4 today so far, from a chinese telecom company  :x

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