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Author Topic: Router or ADSL Modem...?  (Read 19235 times)

Offline Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #45 on: September 06, 2006, 22:22 »
I need to know about this, before I order one of these.  I have a cunning plan to exchange the 13amp plug on an extension lead with this, which would enable me to connect it to the PSU on the PC.  It would still then go through the transformer which came with the router.  I just need to know that it won't blow up my PSU!  What is the spare power point on a PSU supposed to be used for?
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Offline Sandra

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #46 on: September 07, 2006, 00:44 »
Its usually for the monitor Simon, so that you just have the one cable feeding the pc and monitor.

You may find that its still live though even with the pc switched off as some are just a loop through direct from the power in socket.

I leave my router on 24/7 so that way as soon as you switch the pc on your online.

Offline Delgado

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #47 on: September 07, 2006, 09:09 »
Simon-This has been an interesting experience for me. Ive learnt a bit more about Routers through your activities here, but at the end of the day has it all been worthwhile?

  With the extra expense, and hassle, has it made any difference to your internet experience and security?

 I cant help wondering if you might have been happier with your original ADSl Modem purchase and software firewall!

 One for the tech boys or girls here-Ive got a connection on my PC labelled 10/100 Lan-is this a port for connecting a Router?

    :roll:  :roll:
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Offline sam

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #48 on: September 07, 2006, 09:20 »
One for the tech boys or girls here-Ive got a connection on my PC labelled 10/100 Lan-is this a port for connecting a Router

yep! that will do fine for connecting to a router.

Simon... I see your point about power saving... never really thought about it plus I just normally leave my linux computer on 24/7 so need it on.  How about you place the router on the desk and just unplug the power cable from there? then tie up the table so it doesnt fall down? Is there not a button on the router?
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline Delgado

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #49 on: September 07, 2006, 09:26 »
Thanks Sam for quick reply-One more question-

 Does this mean my PC is ready for Router to work or do I need a card or something?

  Do I just plug in and set up, or do I need something activated in Motherboard, cos I have re-installed Windows since buying it-sorry for being so ignorant!!

     :roll:  :roll:  :?:
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Offline sam

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #50 on: September 07, 2006, 09:35 »
well it should work fine, I would check in your device settings that the ethernet card is installed correctly, probably comes under network devices. Then basically you need a network cable and a router and bobs your uncle. I'd hope.

and dont worry we are here for that reason!
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline Delgado

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #51 on: September 07, 2006, 09:41 »
Quote from: "sam"
well it should work fine, I would check in your device settings that the ethernet card is installed correctly, probably comes under network devices. Then basically you need a network cable and a router and bobs your uncle. I'd hope.

and dont worry we are here for that reason!

  Thanks -will do.

  Might have a go with one, if only for the fun value!

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Offline Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #52 on: September 07, 2006, 09:43 »
Quote from: "Delgado"
Simon-This has been an interesting experience for me. Ive learnt a bit more about Routers through your activities here, but at the end of the day has it all been worthwhile?

  With the extra expense, and hassle, has it made any difference to your internet experience and security?

 I cant help wondering if you might have been happier with your original ADSl Modem purchase and software firewall!

Glad to be of service, DG!  :)  To answer your question honestly, no I don't think it was worth the extra expense.  My download speed is no higher than it was on the old ADSL modem, which didn't use mains power, and was more controllable, in that you could connect and disconnect easily from the net, and when you switched off the PC, the modem also switched off.  I see no advantage of having it running 24/7, just for the couple of seconds it saves though not having to log on through the usual route.  I don't have wireless facilities, so I have disabled this function of the router, which really makes it no more functional than my old ADSL modem.

As far as 'hassle' goes, well, I can't really say it's been all that traumatic - just a learning curve, getting used to how a router functions.  I didn't have a network card in my PC, so had to go out and buy one, but that was also easy to fit, and the router itself was easy to install, for one who has the basic grasp of setting up a network connection, and has the correct details from their ISP.
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Offline Delgado

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #53 on: September 07, 2006, 09:48 »
Thanks for info Simon.

 I might have a go later, but like yourself, I have no need for wireless.

  Been an interesting learning curve though. If I do decide to have a go-will report back!

 Good Luck with it all!!

    :laugh:  :laugh:
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Offline sam

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #54 on: September 07, 2006, 09:48 »
saying that though simon, you are now future proofed and since you have a router it will save some time if anyone ever brings their pc around.. or you want to mess around with another one whilst using your own. and remember the security is better.
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline sam

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #55 on: September 07, 2006, 09:49 »
I might have a go later, but like yourself, I have no need for wireless.

no need yet, but I am sure the day will come...
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #56 on: September 07, 2006, 14:41 »
Quote from: "sam"
saying that though simon, you are now future proofed and since you have a router it will save some time if anyone ever brings their pc around.. or you want to mess around with another one whilst using your own. and remember the security is better.

It's the security I haven't really got my head round yet.  By default, it seems set to allow all outgoing traffic, and block all incoming, but I haven't had to set up anything for mail, or anything, so how can it be blocking incoming traffic?  :?
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Offline sam

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #57 on: September 07, 2006, 15:53 »
i guess it will be blocking specific ports / specific requests, like ping and echo...
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline Delgado

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #58 on: September 10, 2006, 08:45 »
Simon-I hope all is working OK now with Router-but one point we didnt touch on was Bit Torrent.

  Are u able to download and connect to other PCs Ok. If the Router is blocking all incoming, how does this work?

    :?:  :roll:
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Offline Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #59 on: September 10, 2006, 11:22 »
Quote from: "Delgado"
Simon-I hope all is working OK now with Router-but one point we didnt touch on was Bit Torrent.

  Are u able to download and connect to other PCs Ok. If the Router is blocking all incoming, how does this work?

    :?:  :roll:

This is still confusing to me, DG.  I did have to manually open one 'listening' port to get on the DHT networks, otherwise I wouldn't have had any incoming connections, (people downloading from me) but even before I did that, torrents were still downloading.  To be honest, I've given up trying to understand that part of it.  

I am still a bit miffed that if I left the router on 24/7, it's going to cost an extremely vaguely estimated £5 - £7 per month on my electricity bill.  Now, it's not actually the money that bothers me, it's the fact that I have found no dramatic improvements with the router over my old ADSL modem, but it's going to cost me an extra monthly expenditure, plus the actual cost of the router and ethernet cable.  If my ISP has suddenly decided to put my monthly direct debit up by £5 - £7 per month, I would tell them to take a running jump, but essentially, this is what has happened, as the cost of using my broadband service has now increased, except that I am giving the extra money to the electricity company, rather than to the ISP, and I can see no real benefits to justify the additional expense.  If I could have got a USB powered router, that would have been a lot more economical, as it would have powered on and off with the PC.
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