Simon-This has been an interesting experience for me. Ive learnt a bit more about Routers through your activities here, but at the end of the day has it all been worthwhile?
With the extra expense, and hassle, has it made any difference to your internet experience and security?
I cant help wondering if you might have been happier with your original ADSl Modem purchase and software firewall!
Glad to be of service, DG!

To answer your question honestly, no I don't think it was worth the extra expense. My download speed is no higher than it was on the old ADSL modem, which didn't use mains power, and was more controllable, in that you could connect and disconnect easily from the net, and when you switched off the PC, the modem also switched off. I see no advantage of having it running 24/7, just for the couple of seconds it saves though not having to log on through the usual route. I don't have wireless facilities, so I have disabled this function of the router, which really makes it no more functional than my old ADSL modem.
As far as 'hassle' goes, well, I can't really say it's been all that traumatic - just a learning curve, getting used to how a router functions. I didn't have a network card in my PC, so had to go out and buy one, but that was also easy to fit, and the router itself was easy to install, for one who has the basic grasp of setting up a network connection, and has the correct details from their ISP.