Just think Simon, now you will never have to reinstall your modem and set up your internet connection again if you have to format your pc or get a new one.
You wont have any problems with iffy usb drivers or connections.
You will have a more secure internet connection.
You should have a more reliable interenet connection.
Should the need arise you can network extra pcs easily.
ADSL Modem/Routers are much better than USB modems all round 
Installing my ADSL modem took all of three minutes, including the reboot, and there was never really any 'setting up' of the internet connection, except for inputting a username and password.
Never had a problem with the drivers or connections.
The only time my internet connection was not reliable, was when Pipex themselves went down, which isn't anything to do with having a modem or a router. In fact, they went down the other night, and the router was just as useless as the ADSL modem would have been. As for security, I'd never had any problems using a software firewall.
Yes, I could connect extra PCs, but have no need to at this moment, and don't forsee the need in the future.
Why did I buy this router? Dunno.

Seemed like a good idea at the time.

You just tell it to allow the ports to open to the pcs IP address that you are using torrents or any other application that needs certain ports opening.
Just the same as you would do with a software firewall but by port numbering rather than by application name 
Does this mean that if you are using we will say port 5687, just as an example, you can just tell it to open that number, and it will allow uploading and downloading connections on Bit torrent?
I think that's the idea, DG.