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Author Topic: Router or ADSL Modem...?  (Read 19226 times)

Online Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #90 on: September 14, 2006, 00:14 »
Sandra, do you think my cunning plan with the PSU monitor connection would work?  You're right about them getting rather hot - but my Freeview boxes do also.  I don't actually need central heating in my lounge!
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Offline Sandra

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #91 on: September 14, 2006, 00:27 »
As long as the psu shuts power off to the feed through then you would be fine Simon.
As I said earlier some dont as its a direct loop through from the input side.

Its really intended to power a CRT monitor so I think there is no way that you could possibly overload it with something that uses as little power as a router.

I have just looked at the ratings on my routers transformer, its 9v at 1500ma so that means it will support up to a massive 13.5 watts.
That would be some 10 -15% higher than it runs at presumably to allow for a switch on surge so I doubt that in use it would use more than 10 watts  :)

Offline Delgado

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #92 on: September 14, 2006, 00:31 »
One more question-then Im off to bed!


  What happens if your ISP cuts the connection, as they do sometimes, does the router re-connect on its own?

     :roll:  :roll:
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Offline Sandra

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #93 on: September 14, 2006, 01:35 »
It should do but may have a limit of times to try to connect.

So if they are doing maintainance that takes a few hours then you may have to tell it to reconnect or just switch the router on and off.

If you are connected to a download and there was a momentary drop of your connection it would reconnect to the internet but not resume the download by itself.

Online Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #94 on: September 14, 2006, 07:31 »
Thanks Sandra.  I'll try it when I can find a spare moment.  :thumb:
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Offline Delgado

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #95 on: September 14, 2006, 23:07 »
Just to say thanks for this thread-been most interesting-Simon has done me a favour by starting this.

 My Router is running smooth-passed Shields up test-I switched off my software firewall, and tested with Router Firewall and all ports were closed.

  Set up E-mule, and Bit torrent via guide link supplied by Lona, and am flushed with success   :blush:  :blush:

 Thanks for all advice.
Switched software firewall back on again of course!!
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Online Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #96 on: September 15, 2006, 00:05 »
Glad to have been of some help, DG!  Mine is also up and running OK, and I have to admit, the connection does seem very stable, but then I never had any problems with my ADSL modem either.  I suppose it also makes things a little quicker being immediately 'on' when starting up the PC, although I have Mail Washer in my Startup folder, and it used to dial up automatically.  Just takes a few seconds less this way, and my Security Suite doesn't complain about not being able to update immediately upon startup.  I think, to sum up, the only negative thing with the router is the mains power issue, and a switch on the front would have made life a lot easier.  Other than that, everything is fine with it, but with the benefit of hindsight, I don't think I would have laid out the extra expenditure, for the marginal improvement over my ADSL modem.
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Offline Delgado

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #97 on: September 16, 2006, 08:13 »
All gone "TITS UP"

  Problem now being, I have set up E-Mule, which works ok. The problem is in order to use P2P, I have had to set up a static IP address, but when running either E-Mule or Bit Torrent, I find the internet pages are very slow in loading or dont load at all.

 Everything worked perfectly before on ADSL Modem.

  Having enough-I think-might go back to my modem!!!!

  More bloody trouble than its worth this router!!!!

   :x  :x  :x  :x  :x
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Offline sam

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #98 on: September 16, 2006, 08:59 »
well are they taking up all of your bandwidth? maybe you just need to specify the maximum download rate from inside these programs.
- sam | @starrydude --

Online Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #99 on: September 16, 2006, 09:19 »
If it worked OK with the ADSL modem, the download speed settings shouldn't really be an issue now.  I have a dynamic IP address, but I can still use µTorrent and Azureus with no problems.  What I did with mine was to set the BT clients to NOT choose random ports.  I selected one port (50120 as it happens) and then opened that port through the router.  Everything seems to work as well as it did with the ADSL modem, but not noticably any better.  Are you sure you need to use a static IP, DG?  I don't remember having to do so with mine.
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Offline Camstop

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #100 on: September 16, 2006, 10:05 »
Simon, have you done the pc pitstop test to see if you have any problems causing your slow speed?

It may be to do with your MTU settings  :dunno:

Online Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #101 on: September 16, 2006, 11:55 »
Just tried it, Cammy, and it did claim to find some settings that it says need optimising, but for it to actually do anything, they want you to pay.  :(
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Offline Sandra

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #102 on: September 16, 2006, 12:13 »
Quote from: "Simon"
 I have a dynamic IP address, but I can still use µTorrent and Azureus with no problems.

It doesnt matter if you are on a static or a dynamic IP for the router as thats the WAN part of it.

Any ports you open are for the specific LAN IP address of the individual pc that you want that application to work with.

Online Simon

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #103 on: September 16, 2006, 12:33 »
So, how does that affect Delgado, Sandra?

Quote from: "Delgado"
Problem now being, I have set up E-Mule, which works ok. The problem is in order to use P2P, I have had to set up a static IP address, but when running either E-Mule or Bit Torrent, I find the internet pages are very slow in loading or dont load at all.

I have got round the PC Pitstop "problem" :whistle: and it has now "optimised" my PC, but I'm still only getting 2.8Mbps, according to the router, and even less if I test it with any of the speed test sites.  :(
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Offline Sandra

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Router or ADSL Modem...?
« Reply #104 on: September 16, 2006, 12:59 »
Not sure Simon as it shouldnt do.

It may be that his ISP has had a bit of a problem since hes set it up and it may be back to normal soon.

Theres is no way that the internet or the pc should be slower using an ethernet connected modem/router than a USB modem, in fact it should be faster if there is any difference in performance.

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