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Author Topic: Vista to be last of its kind?  (Read 1511 times)

Offline Clive

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Vista to be last of its kind?
« on: December 15, 2006, 09:31 »
Gartner has released a list of predictions for 2007 that include the claim that Vista is likely to be the last major release of a Windows operating system.

Future operating systems, the analyst company predicts, will be more 'modular' and will be automatically updated incrementally.

Simply put, this means that the basic components of the operating system would be downloaded from the internet on a basis that was dictated by individual users and put an end to the mass deployments of new operating systems that we currently see. Users would then download updates and add-ons as and when they needed to.

This is not necessarily bad news for Microsoft, though. Gartner said that the software giant would "be a visible player in this movement, and the result will be more flexible updates... and a new focus on quality overall."

Other predictions made by Gartner include seeing a peak in the number of bloggers. There are already some 200 million people who have started blogs and given up on them, the company said, and given the average lifespan of a blogger the overall number of blogs will begin to decline by the end of next year.

The company also expects to see a 50 per cent reduction in the total cost of ownership (TCO) of a PC by 2010. This is due to an ever-growing variety of vendors that will be able to cater more specifically for the needs of individual users. The increase in competition will drive down the prices of security tools and other necessary software, meaning that the end user won't have to spend too much.


Offline Simon

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2006, 09:42 »
That's interesting.  A reason not to bother with Vista, perhaps?
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Offline mistybear

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2006, 10:43 »
I didn't think you needed a reason Simon.  ;D
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Offline Scottytoohotty

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2006, 06:48 »
That's interesting.  A reason not to bother with Vista, perhaps?

If Vista will become the final then that means you won't have a choice but to learn it eventually. everything will convert to Vista.

I don't believe it'll happen that way unless microsoft decides to sell the major changes instead of just distributing it like an upgrade.

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #4 on: December 17, 2006, 09:49 »
While XP may not be faultless, it's still perfectly functionable for most mainstream users.  While this is so, I don't foresee an overwehelming uptake of Vista.  However, as you say, Scotty, eventually, as with other older operating systems, XP will be unsupported, forcing users to upgrade, but I feel this will be a fair way down the road yet.
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Offline Sandra

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #5 on: December 17, 2006, 13:28 »
I installed Vista Ultimate 32 bit on a pc on friday.

It seems ok, not that much different to XP but it has some features that will probably stop users from getting the malware and possibly viruses as easily as with XP and earlier OSs.
It was annoying me until I fopund out how to disable this feature but I would leave it enabled for anyone who isnt too sure of how to do things on pcs or has kids.
Each time you want to install or even access some programs or functions of Vista a message appears asking if you chose to do this or not.
If yes then click to continue.

This should stop the people who just click on popups and stuff like that then get lots of crap on their pcs  :)

It does however come bundled with IE 7 which is taking me some getting used to as its quite a lot different in its layout to IE 6.

Some older programs wont run on it, I couldnt install Norton AV 2003, it needs 2006 or later.
My early version of Nero 7 Premium wouldnt install, it said there were known compatability issues with it and refused to let me install it.
The latest version of Nero 7 Premium is however Vista ready and has installed ok.

Time will tell whether its worth staying with or going back to XP pro.
There were 15 security updates downloaded yesterday even though on friday it said it was up to date, although that was after I installed office and a few related to office  ::)

Offline Simon

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #6 on: December 17, 2006, 20:58 »
Incompatibility with existing software would certainly be one reason to put me off it, in the short term at least.  I have too many programs which would need updating for an upgrade to be viable.  Does it have the compatibility feature, like XP does, Sandra?

Also, as I understand it, the bundled in security feature you mentioned won't negate the need for additional third party security software, many varieties of which already have spyware, adware and spam protection included.  Is it the case that, once again, Windows built in security doesn't go far enough (e.g. Windows Firewall), therefore rendering it pointless?
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Offline Sandra

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2006, 00:31 »
It has something called defender which appears to be a spyware/malware detector.

Havent seen a comapatability tester for programs yet, no doubt early in the new year there will be something on microsofts pages explaining what will and wont work and possible fixes.

Presumably they will have to wait until the unpaid testers, Joe Public, have found what wont install or work with Vista.

So far if a program hasnt installed or has said there are known issues a later version has worked fine.
I wanted to put Si Soft Sandra Pro 2007 on this afternoon.
It said that there was a more suitable version so I installed 2007 Professional Business edition.

Its strange that they havent incorporated any AV in the security as that would make it an all in one OS for most people.

Offline Simon

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2006, 09:39 »
It has something called defender which appears to be a spyware/malware detector.

Windows Defender has been available as a stand alone product for some time now, and works well along side most other security apps.

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Offline mistybear

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #9 on: December 18, 2006, 10:16 »
I installed it a while ago, why, I'm not really sure. The only reason I haven't uninstalled it, I've been too busy.
When it runs it really chews up CPU and the fans sound like a jet about to take off.
I have read similar complaints about it.
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Offline Simon

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Re: Vista to be last of its kind?
« Reply #10 on: December 18, 2006, 16:47 »
I installed it a while ago, why, I'm not really sure. The only reason I haven't uninstalled it, I've been too busy.
When it runs it really chews up CPU and the fans sound like a jet about to take off.
I have read similar complaints about it.

It does use some resources while scanning, but then so do most spyware / virus scanners.  I don't find it generally interferes with performance, while it's just sitting there.
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