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Author Topic: A fun problem involving Windows XP and a keyboard. =P  (Read 1295 times)

Offline Miskat

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A fun problem involving Windows XP and a keyboard. =P
« on: January 25, 2007, 17:50 »
This is a fun one for us all.  XD  I've been puzzleing over it for hours and finally decided it was time to see what you all think.  ~.^

I usually leave my computer running nearly 24/7.  With power management, this isn't much of an issue for me.  So yesterday when I was using my computer and the USB mouse began acting up, I decided it was time for a restart.  Now this "acting up" came in the way of... oddly enough... seeming to perform functions typical of the arrow keys on a keyboard!  Especially regarding menus in Nero. =/  Anyway, it really wasn't THAT big an issue at the time, just an annoyance.  The mouse has since worked fine, restarting the computer seemed to fix that problem.

And caused others.  Upon reboot, I found that I had no keyboard in Windows.  Odd.  Reboot again.  Nothing.  Reboot, hit delete to enter CMOS setup.  Hey!  Delete works fine there!  But not in Windows.  Nothing in Windows, not even num lock.  ^^;;;  Safe mode?  No go.  Boot from the Windows XP Install CD?  Can't even hit R to repair in the DOS styled blue entry screen.

Did I mention the keyboard is a PS/2 keyboard?  No?  It is.  ^^;;;  I even tried another board with the same results.

And the really strange part?  You know how when you turn off your machine while num lock or caps lock is on, the light is SUPPOSED to go OFF?  Well... not here.  I'd like to know where its getting it's power.  XD  Computer off... but the keyboard continues to burn bright like a friggen energizer rabbit!

But hey!  My mouse works now.  XD

Thanks in advance~!  =)


PS. Right!  There was another problem with the mouse, at first: I couldn't highlight ANYTHING in any form of textbox, anywhere.  XD
« Last Edit: January 25, 2007, 17:55 by Miskat »

Offline Clive

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Re: A fun problem involving Windows XP and a keyboard. =P
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2007, 22:28 »
There is a very useful Microsoft article on troubleshooting keyboards HERE
Miskat.  Let us know how you get on.

Offline Miskat

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Re: A fun problem involving Windows XP and a keyboard. =P
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2007, 01:29 »
Thanks for the link, Clive.  I looked into it but nothing there seems to have had any effect.  But I did find a little link to another forum with someone who was having similar problems.  His conclusion was a bad PS/2 port.  Makes sense enough.  So I hit the good old parts shop and bought me a PS/2 to USB adapter and now it works all fine and dandy.

I think my machine is telling me that it's time for an upgrade.  XD  It's been awhile.  XD


Offline Clive

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Re: A fun problem involving Windows XP and a keyboard. =P
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2007, 08:30 »
Glad to hear you managed to get it working again Robert!

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