Anything must be better than Bulldog. The actual connection is good, but the Customer Service is appalling. I should think that their staff come from the local looney bin!
Im switching to Pipex again soon, as I have Pipex Homecall for my phone, which gives me free calls to anywhere in UK for £24-50 a month which includes landline rent. I can add Pipex Broadband to this pasckage for £6 per month.

Further to my post above-what a nightmare this has been!!
I received my modem and installation kit with a letter dated 18th May telling me I would be advised of my connection date. In the same post was a letter telling me my connection date was 25th May. I thought this was looking promising; how wrong can you be!
Upon installing the software and modem, my PC flashed up a message that the hardware was faulty. I disconnected the modem and attempted to uninstall the software. The software appeared to be corrupt and wouldnt uninstall. After several attempts, i had to give up and use system restore to get rid of the bloody corrupt software.
I then put the connection details and password into my router on the 25th May, and couldnt connect. To cut a long story short, I have been phoning every day until yesterday trying to connect. The people are blaming Tiscal now, saying that Tiscali are the carriers of Pipex broadband, and they dont know why I cant connect.
Yesterday, after being offline for days, I put back my old details from Bulldog, and found I was still connected to Bulldog!!
Needless to say I have contacted Bulldog, who tell me the Mac Code hasent been used yet, and Im still a customer of theirs!!!
Ive decided to stay with Bulldog, and sent an e-mail to Pipex, telling them what they can do with their broadband-better the devil you know.
I am now waiting to see what happens next-are all Internet Service Providers scouring the Lunatic Assylums for staff??