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Author Topic: monitor question  (Read 4593 times)

Offline Baz

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monitor question
« on: August 02, 2007, 20:02 »
Hi all,

nice forum you have here with loads of topics to choose from  :)   decided to have a look after someone from here (cant remember who  :blush:) joined the ISP I am with recently and left the link.

I'm sure I recognise some of the names/faces from ages ago on various other forums I visited but cant remember where........it will come to me I'm sure.

anyway, anyone have ideas on this. a few days ago I noticed two coloured lines down the left edge of my screen, one pink then another blue, running from top to bottom. cant get rid of them. monitor is only a few months old  >:( so not to pleased if its knackered all ready.


just re-read my post.............seems I may have to be getting some memory enhancing pills or something, forgot a few things havent I  ;D ;D ;D

« Last Edit: August 02, 2007, 20:04 by ermmm »

Offline Simon

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2007, 20:56 »
Hi ermmm, and  :welcome:

I think you may have spotted me on the FF forums, and you probably know some of us from the now defunct EzPC, or possible ISPr.  ;)

As for your monitor problem, I'll ask the basics first, then someone will come along with a sensible answer.  ;D  Have you tried expanding the width of the display with the monitor geometry buttons, or even just moving it over to the left, to mask the lines?

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Offline chorleydave

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2007, 21:27 »
Hi, Ermmm.

I don't know anything about monitors, so I can't help with your question.  However, I remember you from EZPC.


Offline Baz

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2007, 21:57 »
 :) :)    ah yes   EZPC  it could well have been that  :)  seems a long time ago now  thanks for the memory jog. Having a quick look round here also Sandra and Lona seem familiar too.

and yes it was on FF forum Simon. hope you're settling in ok.

thanks for the tips but yeah I have already tried the simple things which didnt fix it. Have also tried with no wallpaper and just a plain background colour to see if the lines go but they dont.

off topic for a bit now is there a spell check on here?  it seems to be flagging words which arent spelt the american way.......colour etc

Offline Clive

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2007, 22:07 »
If you have checked your cables for loose connections (I'm sure you have!) then try the monitor on another computer to see if the problem remains.  If it does then you at least know for certain that it's a faulty monitor and not anything to do with your computer.  Do this for your own benefit because when you contact the supplier to claim under warranty, you can prove beyond doubt where the fault lies.  Do not be fobbed off by a supplier who tells you to send it back to the manufacturer for repair.  The supplier must arrange repair or replacement.  That is the law.  I have an LCD TV which developed exactly the same fault as you describe.  Unfortunately mine waited until it was out of warranty.  Even worse the supplier was the dreaded PC World.  The fault has got worse over time and now there is a wide multicoloured line on the left side of the screen.  Sometimes the line is jet black and sometimes the whole screen acquires a double picture!  

Offline Simon

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2007, 22:32 »
:) :)    ah yes   EZPC  it could well have been that  :)  seems a long time ago now  thanks for the memory jog. Having a quick look round here also Sandra and Lona seem familiar too.

Yes, we can't seem to get rid of them.  ;D

and yes it was on FF forum Simon. hope you're settling in ok.

Well, it seems a nice forum, but I'm not certain as to whether they might just be a handful of FF devotees.  It's encouraging that the people who run FF seem to frequent the forums.  It's a choice at the moment, of FF, IDNet, or stay where I am.  The earliest I can request a MAC key from Pipex, without incurring penalties, is Aug 20th, so I have a few weeks to make up my mind.

off topic for a bit now is there a spell check on here?  it seems to be flagging words which arent spelt the american way.......colour etc

No, there's no active spell checker on here.  Do you have one as an add-on to your browser?  Maybe it needs a British English dictionary?  The FF forum uses the same software as us.  Do you get the same problem there?  :dunno:
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Offline Sandra

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #6 on: August 03, 2007, 00:19 »
Are the coloured bands there in safe mode ?

If not then its possibly a driver issue as the graphics card drivers arent fully loaded at that point, so either reinstall or update them if possible.
If they are there then I would assume its a faulty monitor.

Oh and :welcome:  :)

Offline Baz

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #7 on: August 06, 2007, 19:36 »
well I'm thinking its a dodgy monitor. tried everything you have all suggested thanks but nothing fixed it. its still the same on another system and with just power up the monitor itself, no pc on.

just to make me more sure, turned it on today and its now grew another line about 1 inch from the right hand side ;D ;D

anyway its going back soon. got in touch with where I bought it from and yes they said I have to get in touch with the manufacture. I was insistant that they change it but they wouldnt have it :dunno:

how do you get round that problem I dont know. they said as it has a 1 year on site warranty thats how it works. so am waiting for more instructions as to what to do.

so far I have  got.........

wait for two emails from UPS, print off the label, with a laser printer  :D :D, stick it on the packed monitor and wait for the van to  pick it up. ( it must be in its original packaging, if possible, and would you believe it the only time I havent kept a box for something like that..is now :) )

when UPS pick it up they take it to service dept. then send out a new one, by UPS.

I could have taken the thing to the shop or to the same dealers at a local computer fair this weekend and exchanged it there and then.

makes me quite mad >:(

Offline Simon

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #8 on: August 06, 2007, 20:09 »
The retailer you purchased it from must offer an exchange or repair, under the Sale of Goods act.  Although the terms may differ with online sales, the principal is the same:

Sale of Goods Act

Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 traders must sell goods that are as described and of satisfactory quality.

If consumers discover that products do not meet these requirements they can reject them and ask for their money back providing they do so quickly. Alternatively, they can request a repair or replacement or claim compensation.

The Sale of Goods Act has been amended by the Sale and Supply of Goods to Consumers Regulations 2002 which transpose a European Directive. Although the impact of the Regulations is relatively modest there are some useful benefits for consumers.


You could try threatening them with Trading Standards or court action.  Just so we know who to avoid, which company is it?
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Offline Baz

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #9 on: August 06, 2007, 20:38 »
Yeah I had a feeling thats the law but how do you actually push it through when the company says "no". Ive had quite a bit of gear from them and this has been the first real problem  so I wont name them yet Simon if thats ok.

stuck as what to do now.......push it or take the easy option and wait for this new one.   but then if I get a new one, same make model, whats to say this is going to be ok or the same as dodgy one

Offline Simon

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #10 on: August 06, 2007, 20:57 »
Well, personally, I wouldn't let them get away with it.  They know they are trying it on, and are just hoping you will back down.  A strongly worded email or recorded delivery letter to the company's CEO or MD might get the ball rolling.  Not too threatening at this stage, but give them all the facts, like you've tested the monitor on another PC, and offer them another opportunity to accept it as returned faulty, under the manufacturers warranty.  You have the law on your side, so let them know you're not going to be a push over.  I know the easy option is tempting, I suppose it depends on whether you can be bothered to start a battle. 
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Offline Baz

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #11 on: August 17, 2007, 22:20 »
well, got my new monitor yeaterday..........seems ok so far. :)

went the route of sending it back under warranty. got in touch with the service centre in UK but ended up they sent me details to send it back to GERMANY :o :o ???

tracked it over a few days via UPS site and same on the way back, took just over a week in total.

Yeah I should have taken it back to shop maybe, but didnt want to push it too far and went with the flow. Lucky I had my old hefty crt job to keep me going  :D.

if this one goes the same will take it back to shop, honest Simon :)

Thanks again

Offline Simon

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #12 on: August 17, 2007, 22:57 »
Glad you got it sorted, but I thought you might be interested to read this post I stole from another forum.  I don't know how clued up this guy is, but here's what he said, in relation to another member's faulty TV:

UK consumer law (oh god, not that again) provides consumers with protection for 6 years after purchase. For 6 years the product must have been of "satisfactory quality" in the eyes of the normal person. So a sense of reasonableness applies. If a £30 DVD player breaks after 5 years 11 months will you get a free repair or replacement? Probably not. But if a quality TV goes tits up after (say) 2 years, you will almost certainly be able to go back to the people who sold it to you and get it repaired or replaced for free (or get some compensation from them, i.e. money back.) It is not reasonable to expect a TV to break in less than 2 years or so these days. This fact renders 2 year warranties almost worthless and longer ones questionable too.

Of course the stores trying to sell you extended warranties don't tell you this do they.

What matters is that you now have a working monitor, but it sounds like your retailer needs, in the words of my old Gran, "his hat putting straight".
« Last Edit: August 17, 2007, 22:59 by Simon »
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Offline Baz

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #13 on: August 17, 2007, 23:06 »
cheers Simon. thats interesting, especially the bit about 6 years :o

thing is with me I just want it sorted with as little hassle as poss. some say I should have pushed the shop but I didnt want to give them much grief really, next time maybe,  I told them I had to send it back, they said its the norm :dunno:.

will keep the info you gave in mind and try it next time........hopefully I wont have to though  ;D

Offline Reno

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Re: monitor question
« Reply #14 on: August 18, 2007, 05:04 »
Jesus, 6 years on electronics??? The law here is buyer beware. They sell you a product with an advertised warranty. That is the limit of their responsibility.

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