Hello everyone!

I have a recently begun 'sharing' problem with my Vista-laptop (WLAN) to XP-desktop (LAN) network which I have set up via a Safecom GWART2....modem/router.
I set up the house-net. several months ago and it`s worked fine ever since; I was able to share everything on the XP machine (incl. the 3 USB ext.HDD`s ) easily which is how I mostly use the network; with the notebook as a remote terminal....that is, until about a week ago.
Since then, I can only see everything in the XP 'shared folders' on the XP internal SATA HDD, but when trying to view files/folders on the XP desktop`s 3 external hard drives from the Vista N.B, I get a message saying:
"... is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permission.
Not enough server storage is available to process this command"Initially, I thought it must be a 'permissions' issue (assuming a recent XP or Vista update had caused it)....but days of checking sharing rights, Vista user permissions (inc. upgrading my user 'tokens') brought no improvement to the situation.....so,
I Googled about a bit and found specific mention of this instance being related to IRP Stack size in the XP machine`s registry
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\lanmanserver\parameters......with the cause being perhaps related to antivirus software: specifically Norton (which BTW I don`t use).....so, after checking thoroughly a number of sources I decided to enter regedit and have a look-see; no entry for IRP StackSize was found, so as suggested in the Microsoft KB I made/annotated the entry and set the decimal size as "15" (the KB suggested default size)....but no fix!

I don`t think for a moment that this is a router issue or a firewall problem; as I`ve tried accessing the denied files with both (XP & Vista) firewalls turned off; without success......
Yes, of course I could copy everything on the ext HDDS` to the XP machine`s shared folder on the SATA internal drive: but what a pain in one`s butt considering everything worked just-fine previously!
To clarify:
The Vista N.B correctly sees all of the XP machine`s
'shared folders' (on both the ext. and internal drives).....so the computers can clearly "see" each other on the network.....
.....but will only display/allow-access to the list of
'shared folder-contents' (i.e: the individual files) on the XP machine`s internal HDD.
The Vista N.B displays the permission-deny/server-storage error message only if I click on any shared files on the XP machine`s 3 external HDD`s.
I have the same sharing and access provisions/permissions set for all folders.
I`ve also tried increasing the IRPStackSize to 18 and then 20 without any change in the situ.: should I increase the IRP StackSize further?.....or perhaps is this one of those intractable Vista 'issues' slated to be fixed with SP-1?

Any 'blue sky thoughts' would be most appreciated?......I`m getting frustrated with it now!

Kindest regards,