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Author Topic: Albert Einstein  (Read 476 times)

Offline Clive

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Albert Einstein
« on: September 10, 2007, 20:11 »
Albert Einstein was on a lecture tour of European capitals presenting
his findings about Relativity. The Swiss government had provided him
with a chauffeur-driven limo for the duration.
Albert was getting pretty fed up with giving the same lecture over and
over again, and answering the same stupid questions.
One day as he was being driven to the next venue, he was grumbling to
the chauffeur about this.
The chauffeur then said to him, "Why not let me give the lecture and you
sit at the back instead? If I do my hair a bit differently and wear a
stick-on moustache I'd pass for you, so long as nobody really knows you
Albert though about this for a bit. The chauffeur went on, "I've heard
your lecture so many time, I could easily remember it all". Albert then
said, "but what about the technical questions"?. "No problem!" said the
chauffeur, "I've heard your answers so many times I can remember all the
standard ones.
So it was agreed, the chauffeur would dress and make-up as Albert, and
Albert would sit at the back instead, dressed in the chauffeurs livery.
The lecture went very well, and so did all the usual questions, all but
Some clever clogs got up and asked a question that was really awkward,
clearly trying to impress. The chauffeur, as Albert, was stumped. But
quickly recognising the import, said in reply, "That was such a simple
question, even my chauffeur sitting right at the back can answer that
one for you"!

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