Hi Guys,
Just upgraded my PC with a new quad core intel, 4gb DDR2 ram and a Geforce 8600 GTS(passively cooled). And ever since I haven't been able to get it working right. Any suggestions greatly appreciated.
Firstly I put everything in, did a fresh install of windows and got my drivers in and thought, first things first lets take a look at bioshock. Looked lovely but after 10 minutes or so game hangs, half a second of blue screen and a restart.
I feel the cooling fins on the gfx card and they feel overly hot, so I fit a cooling fan next to my gfx card (negates passively cooled I knwo but atm I just want it to work). I let everything cool back down and went back into Bioshock to test and same happens again.
I ran the test again with Nvidia Monitor running and the card never got above 43degrees before the crash.
So I assumed my 400W PSU was under powered for the task at hand, so a new 600W PSU later and I'm still getting the same crashes.
Any suggestions??
Did I fry the gfx card by having it run hot first time round?
Is the only way to know to swap and change components, cos I rally don't have the kit to do that.