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Author Topic: ISP  (Read 17846 times)

Online Simon

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« Reply #60 on: March 29, 2008, 09:36 »
There's no reason why they can't give you the MAC code over the phone, JK.  Personally, I would be ringing, telling them you have waited over 5 days, that they are now breaking the law, and that you won't take no for an answer.  Even if they give it to you, I would still report them to Ofcom.  I can't believe how such a once great company have gone so bad.
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Offline David

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« Reply #61 on: March 29, 2008, 12:15 »
Hi ya,I had the same sort of problems and the final leg of this was me telephoning and with;lets say a dedication to get my way(sounds good that) I did state that copies of letters had been kept also were sent recorded delivery,also all Emails which had been ignored had also been kept and I didn't really give him any option but to issue my mac code which was in my Email box within 30 mins.I cant speak how others do it but as far as I am aware Mac codes will only be sent via Email,but I am only referring to what I learned through it all.I didn't mention things like phone call expenses etc as I wanted to get the Mac out of there,.

I just convinced the guy on the phone that of com would be getting all the detail;s if he couldn't resolve it
I'm not qualified on how to get the magic key out of them but the process appears to be the same as others.I would not be tempted to Email them again as they can,and did with me ignore them.The golden rule seems to be get the buggers on the phone and with luck and a fair wind get them to issue the Mac code which I really hope for you will be forthcoming.mine was.As for phone costs etc worry about these afterwards.for me it was money well spent.good luck keep us posted how you get on,but mentioning ofcom worked in my case :pcpunch:

Offline JK

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« Reply #62 on: March 30, 2008, 00:48 »
They refuse point blank to give a MAC code via email. They request that you telephone them on a high rate number. When you do you
are directed to call another number then another and another. When you get throught they say they can only issue MAC codes via email.
I have posted a very naughty email to them requesting a MAC code within 5 days or will complain to Oftel.
Perfore I joined Pipex I was with Claranet. When I telephone them for  MAC code I was given one on the spot.
I resent Pipex giving me the run around on high rate numbers. I did call another ISP , before hearing about IDnet, on a high rate line
the call centre guy directed  me straight away to a freephone line. Pipex did say they would  do me favour and not charge me for  a MAC code? What should I do cancel my payments to them? :(

Offline David

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« Reply #63 on: March 30, 2008, 02:39 »
For what its worth and Simon will know better than I but I did a lot of research on your last point and saw examples of people stopping their payments before getting Mac codes and it proved very costly move in tine.I discovered that the route is to free yourself first or they will or could have a case for not issuing the code if there is money outstanding,although you are in the right,I took the route I just wanted out.

If I recall I took Simon's advice and had no problems really,yes I put my foot down and got it.All I can say is I was told that Mac codes would be via Email and thats how I got it despite all the other avenues.I am at a loss what they are doing goes against everything and reading the riot act and using ofcom worked for me ,it may not sound all that great at the moment but with a little shove you will get your Mac code.I wish you all good luck and hope your code is with you.

Chase any monies up after you have gained your freedom.

Online Simon

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« Reply #64 on: March 30, 2008, 10:11 »
Yes, don't stop the payments, JK, or you could find yourself in a battle to get your line freed, although I believe that the 30 day cancellation term starts from when you request the MAC, not when they decide to issue it, so don't let them con you out of an extra month.  Try the following geographical numbers, rather than the high rate lines: 01707 299506 and 01707 299507.  I find it unbelievable that they think they can get away with treating people like this.  Have you actually tried phoning OFCOM?  They may be able to give you some more advice. 
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Offline JK

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« Reply #65 on: April 03, 2008, 20:59 »
Thank you all.
To keep you up to date, today had a email reply from Pipex( 5days), no MAC number.
They just ask further questions what is my id, telephone number etc, which they already know.
I am billed by them on the 2nd of each month and with the 30 day cancellation period they are making sure they get the May payment from me. They are very very reluctant to issue the MAC code.
I will repeat something which I have already told you. Was with Claranet and wanted to move to Pipex. Instant MAC code then and there, they told me to contact them as soon as I migrated so I was not billed again by them.
Pipex have stiched me up, if I get a MAC code it is valid for 25days and the cancellation period is 30days.
If I get the code and move they will still bill me when I am with the new ISP.
Can you advise me what to do if they do issue a MAC code and I move.

Offline David

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« Reply #66 on: April 03, 2008, 21:51 »
Advice is easy to give and I would await some agreement.but for what its worth.Your first goal if to free yourself,once you have got the mac code (and you will) you should be a little more patient and get all control away from isp,once you are safely tucked into bed with IDnet or whoever,then you will be free to stop payments and dispute it if you feel do inclined. I took the view that ok I may lose a few quid,but what you gain far outweighs anything else.
I know its difficult,trust me my migration had major problems which saw downtime of I think about a month.try not to personalize this,it is not personal although it feels it,it is business and the cooler your head the more objective you will be and get this resolved in your favor if it is to be done.
With all things in life  a cool head and hand often win the day,sounds silly but you can almost view this as a game,you opponent only holds all the cards because he has the advantage at the moment ie the mac once that is our of his hands and your service is secure with someone else,the ball is in your court.Don t get stressed out over a few pounds.it will soon fade and remember fair,unfair will not come into it.I have rambled enough stay focused on the MC then either breath a sigh of relief or enter a battle which you may win.I wouldn't bet on it though.The thing which is against you is you care......they don't......they are not worth you getting stressed out
Be lucky

Online Simon

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« Reply #67 on: April 03, 2008, 22:18 »
Believe me, JK, David had a hell of a time, due to one thing and another, but that's uncommon. 

As far as I understand it, the 30 day cancellation period starts when you request the MAC, not when they issue it.  Hopefully you have some sort of record of that.  Because of the billing cycle, it's actually very difficult to avoid paying the extra month, and you only have a window of a day or two in which to request your MAC, which you would have to carefully work out from the billing date, to avoid the extra payment.  Clever, eh?   ':|  What Pipex should do, and indeed, did for me, is to refund you pro-rata, so if you end up paying for a whole month, but only use a few days of it with them, they should refund the rest of the payment by cheque.  Don't cancel the direct debit until the final due payment has been made, then definitely do cancel it, or they may still try to take more (yes, they are that incompetent).  If you are in a situation where they are claiming you owe them money, that will hold up the MAC even more.  I assume the April 2nd payment has gone through?  If you requested your MAC at least a few days before then, that should be your last payment, and regardless of when they now issue it, the May payment should not be due.  Sorry, I appear to be rambling, but I hope that's clear.  :)

As David said, your main priority at the moment is to get hold of that MAC, and then you can start to set yourself free.  It shouldn't be, but it is a bit of a game, especially when dealing with a company like this, who seem to be so desparate to keep hold of customers, they are resorting to breaking the law.  Get your MAC, and run for your life!  ;)
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Offline JK

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« Reply #68 on: April 03, 2008, 22:47 »
Thank you Simon.
So if I end up paying Pipex for a whole month and only use a few days I can request a refund from them?
I did hope to be on IDnet this month. But been waiting and waiting for a MAC code from pipex.If they issued one when I first requested, then I would have been on IDnet for the last month. They say they issue a MAC code within 5 days, well they cannot give me one.
Is Pipex like the hotel California you can check out any time but never leave. :cry:

Online Simon

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« Reply #69 on: April 03, 2008, 23:58 »
I wish I could get if for you, JK, but I can't.  :(  Unless there's something more to this, like some technical issue to do with your line, which they should have explained, or another legitimate reason why they can't (I'm just covering my back here, you understand), they have to give you the MAC, and if you requested it a month ago, they have already broken the law, and fallen foul of OFCOM's regulations.  Technically, you shouldn't owe them any more money, as the 30 day cancellation period started when you first asked for your MAC, as I understand it.  If you have that request documented, you would most probably be entitled to bring a case against them via OFCOM, but at this stage, all you need is the MAC in order to get free, set up with another ISP, then start the battle of reclaiming what they owe you.

So if I end up paying Pipex for a whole month and only use a few days I can request a refund from them?

If the payment was taken after the 30 day cancellation period, then yes, you should be able to claim it back pro-rata, but by the sound of it, you shouldn't be making any more payments, so I would be inclined to cancel the direct debit with your bank, as soon as you get your MAC.  If they then think you owe them something, let them chase you for it.

Personally, I wouldn't be waiting.  I would be on the phone demanding to speak to a manager, or someone that can give you the MAC immediately.  It's just bullsh*t that they are telling you they can't, because if you push hard enough, they will, unless, of course, there's some legitimate technical reason why they can't give you one.  You need to be telling them that you know the OFCOM regulations, and that they have broken these by failing to issue the MAC within the 5 day period.  There's more info here, if you feel like reading through it:


Good luck!
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Offline David

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« Reply #70 on: April 04, 2008, 00:07 »
You will do it JK don't let it get to,there will be a warm welcome and the journey will have been worth it. all the best
 :worthit: it will be trust me

Offline JK

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« Reply #71 on: April 04, 2008, 00:43 »
Thank you Simon
Thank you for the comment that my 30 days notice period is from when I requsted the MAC and not from that date they issue it.
I will remind them of that.
Why 'o' why will they not give me my MAC munber. They want 30 days notice and they refuse to give one in 30 days.
Just got answer yesterday requesting details already given.
This is out of this world should I be on watchdog?
I should have been on IDnet now. IDnet were offering a free month when I started out to get my MAC code. That was February.

Offline sam

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« Reply #72 on: April 04, 2008, 07:31 »
I should have been on IDnet now. IDnet were offering a free month when I started out to get my MAC code. That was February.

This is absolutely awful behavior and you really should write a letter to OFCOM at the least - these companies need to be told where to bugger off!
- sam | @starrydude --

Offline Rik

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« Reply #73 on: April 04, 2008, 08:40 »
I should have been on IDnet now. IDnet were offering a free month when I started out to get my MAC code. That was February.

Did you 'register an interest' with IDNet at the time, JK? That would have 'reserved' a free month for you.


Offline David

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« Reply #74 on: April 04, 2008, 10:46 »
Believe me, JK, David had a hell of a time, due to one thing and another, but that's uncommon. 

As far as I understand it, the 30 day cancellation period starts when you request the MAC, not when they issue it.  Hopefully you have some sort of record of that.  Because of the billing cycle, it's actually very difficult to avoid paying the extra month, and you only have a window of a day or two in which to request your MAC, which you would have to carefully work out from the billing date, to avoid the extra payment.  Clever, eh?   ':|  What Pipex should do, and indeed, did for me, is to refund you pro-rata, so if you end up paying for a whole month, but only use a few days of it with them, they should refund the rest of the payment by cheque.  Don't cancel the direct debit until the final due payment has been made, then definitely do cancel it, or they may still try to take more (yes, they are that incompetent).  If you are in a situation where they are claiming you owe them money, that will hold up the MAC even more.  I assume the April 2nd payment has gone through?  If you requested your MAC at least a few days before then, that should be your last payment, and regardless of when they now issue it, the May payment should not be due.  Sorry, I appear to be rambling, but I hope that's clear.  :)

As David said, your main priority at the moment is to get hold of that MAC, and then you can start to set yourself free.  It shouldn't be, but it is a bit of a game, especially when dealing with a company like this, who seem to be so desparate to keep hold of customers, they are resorting to breaking the law.  Get your MAC, and run for your life!  ;)

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